Message to Donald Trump, President Elect: “Let Our People Go!!”

Published on Dec 18, 2016Mr. Donald Trump, We need your help. If you study the US Constitution and look at where we are as a nation, you will see our government is far outside the bounds that We The People placed around it. We have abusive and unconstitutional agencies like the EPA and BLM and the Forest Service harassing the American people and locking them away in jail for things as small as placing ponds on their own land. We need full Presidential Pardons for these people as soon as you are sworn in and we believe you truly will […]

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Cliven Bundy co-defendant seeks inclusion in first Bunkerville standoff trial

12-17-16 : By BEN BOTKIN LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL One of Cliven Bundy’s co-defendants in the armed standoff case wants to go to trial sooner than a judge has ordered. In a motion filed Wednesday, defendant Peter Santilli also argues that the 17 defendants in the standoff case should be tried with two trials instead of the three trials the judge ordered. The motion is an effort to change U.S. Magistrate Judge Peggy Leen’s order for three separate trials that group the defendants in tiers based on their alleged involvement in the standoff. The order puts Santilli in the second trial. The first trial is […]

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U.S. to disclose estimate of number of Americans under surveillance

U.S. to disclose estimate of number of Americans under surveillance Fri Dec 16, 2016  Reuters   By Dustin Volz | WASHINGTON The U.S. intelligence community will soon disclose an estimate of the number of Americans whose electronic communications have been caught in the crosshairs of online surveillance programs intended for foreigners, U.S. lawmakers said in a letter seen by Reuters on Friday. The estimate, requested by members of the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, is expected to be made public as early as next month, the letter said. Its disclosure would come as Congress is expected to begin debate in the coming months […]

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FLASHBACK : Obama, Remember the Election in Israel ?

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu   By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times – Tuesday, July 12, 2016 The State Department paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayers grants to an Israeli group that used the money to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last year’s Israeli parliamentary elections, a congressional investigation concluded Tuesday. Some $350,000 was sent to OneVoice, ostensibly to support the group’s efforts to back Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement negotiations. But OneVoice used the money to build a voter database, train activists and hire a political consulting firm with ties to President Obama’s campaign […]

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Let’s Help Ammon Bundy make “2016 Oregon Person of the Year”

2016 Oregon Person of the Year: Top 25 nominees December 15, 2016 : the Oregonian Who was the most influential, fascinating or newsworthy person we’ve written about in 2016? We’re letting our readers decide. We’ve narrowed the field to 25 candidates for your consideration. As you’ll see, they aren’t all heroes. Some of them are controversial figures; some were involved in tragic stories; some are longtime leaders and some you may never have heard of. And one is not a person at all. The finalists all have local or regional ties, and at one point or another captivated readers or […]

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US Attorney Billy Williams Has a Credibility Problem

US Attorney Billy Williams Has a Credibility Problem IT’S TIME FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO MAN UP AND SHOW THE PUBLIC THE TRUTH! 12-15-16 : redoubt news     Billy J. Williams, United States Attorney for the District of Oregon, announced this week that a former Forensic Scientist working with the Oregon State Police Crime Lab has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for evidence tampering. In a statement about the case, Williams said: “An effective criminal justice system requires the highest level of personal integrity from everyoneworking within the system,” said Billy J. Williams, United States Attorney for the District of […]

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Judge keeps Feb. 14 trial date for second group of Oregon standoff defendants

Judge keeps Feb. 14 trial date for second group of Oregon standoff defendants 12-14-16 : The Oregonian The second trial of Oregon standoff defendants will begin as scheduled on Feb. 14, and the judge plans to summon 1,000 prospective jurors from across the state.   U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown on Wednesday dismissed a motion by prosecutors to delay the trial for two months, saying they failed to give her a good reason.   “We’re going forward with trial, with jury selection to begin Feb. 14,” Brown said, “unless good cause arises.” All seven defendants were in court with […]

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The trial of the 17 defendants awaiting trial shall be severed into three groups for three separate trials

CONCLUSION Having reviewed and considered all of the moving and responsive papers in connection with the severance issue, the court agrees that the most logical, efficient and manageable way to try this case is to separate the defendants into three groups corresponding to their alleged roles in the offences charged in the superseding indictment. IT IS ORDERED that: The trial of the 17 defendants awaiting trial shall be severed into three groups for three separate trials consisting of Tier 1: Cliven Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Ammon Bundy, Peter Santilli, and Ryan Payne Tier 2: Dave Bundy, Mel Bundy, Joseph O’Shaughnessy, Brian […]

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BREAKING: Here’s the fed prosecutors’ status report on remaining 7 #oregonstandoff defendants

BREAKING: Here’s the fed prosecutors’ status report on remaining 7 #oregonstandoff defendants: Feds plan to prosecute remaining Oregon standoff defendants on federal conspiracy charge 12-12-16  : The Oregonian   Federal prosecutors Monday said they will prosecute the remaining seven Oregon standoff defendants on the same federal conspiracy charge that the occupation leaders were acquitted of at trial this fall. In a joint status report, the prosecutors also said they’ll ask for the scheduled Feb. 14 trial to be delayed two months, and add additional misdemeanor charges as well against the defendants. The report was filed by the deadline set last month […]

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Joseph O’Shaughnessy seeks to withdraw guilty plea in Oregon standoff case

Joseph O’Shaughnessy seeks to withdraw guilty plea in Oregon standoff case 12-12-16 : the Oregonian   Joseph O’Shaughnessy wants to withdraw his guilty plea to a federal conspiracy charge stemming from the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, the third defendant in the case to file a motion to rescind his plea.   O’Shaughnessy entered the plea Aug. 1 in U.S. District Court in Portland and was transferred later to Nevada, where he was expected to accept a plea offer there to federal charges in the 2014 standoff outside Cliven Bundy’s ranch.   O’Shaughnessy, in a motion filed Sunday […]

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Bundy’s Refuse To Back-Down In Nevada -Pete Santilli – Defiant As Ever

Bundy’s Refuse To Back-Down In Nevada -@Pete Santilli – Defiant As Ever 12-10-16 – The Pete Santilli Show Published on Dec 10, 2016 Pete Santilli joins Deb Jordan with the latest update from Nevada. The courtroom was packed with support for Bundy Ranch protestors yesterday who had their first status hearing since Ammon and Ryan Bundy returned to Nevada after a hard fought win in Oregon. Ammon and Ryan Bundy refused to enter the court-room in shackles and chains. Cliven Bundy Pled with the court to allow him to go last so that others who had children could get their […]

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Ryan and Ammon Bundy taken to the hole

CALL CONGRESSMAN Cresent Hardy 202-225-9894 Nevada detention center: 775 751 4500 hit 9 to speak to warden secretary … I had to leave a message for her, Hardy’s v/m was full. Of course no one wants to answer the phone and give an account of why the are denying UNCONVICTED MEN their constitutional rights!!!!!!! Ammon being denied to meet with his attorney today? Ryan told he can’t enter the law library with out his id? Ammon and Ryan physically picked up and carried to the hole! Confidential calls with attorneys being recorded and given to the prosecution?? Im so sick […]

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