Judge temporarily halts grazing on federal public land near Burns

A federal judge Tuesday granted a temporary restraining order that bars Hammonds Ranches Inc. from livestock grazing on federal public land near Burns during June.

U.S. District Judge Michael H. Simon ruled from the bench, noting a written order would follow. He also has scheduled another hearing for June 28 to consider a motion by three environmental advocacy groups for a preliminary injunction barring further grazing at the sites.

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Farm Bill Ends the Debate – Horses are Livestock ⇛ Protect The Harvest

Last week, the Farm Bill was passed through both chambers of Congress and was signed by President Donald Trump. While the bill focuses largely on conservation, nutrition, and commodities titles, a “Miscellaneous” title in the bill includes most of the provisions for livestock industries. It is in this section where horses were classified once and for all as livestock.

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