Brochures, Handouts, and Posters

From Fully Informed Jury Association

The following materials are available for free download so that you may share them or print them locally if you find that more cost effective than purchasing printed materials from FIJA’s store. Where hard copies are available for purchase, there is also a link to purchase them in our online store. These are printable masters and many of these brochures are meant to be folded. They are not cut off or missing information. If you print the pages back to back and fold them, the information will appear in the correct order.

Fresh Air for Justice

Full color, letter size, trifold, general purpose brochure in .pdf format explaining the basics about jury nullification.
● Download .pdf file
● Purchase printed brochures



Who Owns Your Body?

Full color, letter size, trifold brochure in .pdf format explaining how jury nullification can be used in defense of your personal ownership of your own body.
● Download .pdf file
● Purchase printed brochures



Jury Protection for the Second Amendment

Full color, letter size, trifold brochure in .pdf format explaining how jury nullification can be used in defense of our rights to keep and bear arms.
● Download .pdf file
● Purchase printed brochures



A Primer for Prospective Jurors

Green type and images, legal size, quadfold, general purpose brochure in .pdf format in question and answer format addressing common, but difficult questions about jury service.
● Download .pdf file
● Purchase printed brochures


Your Jury Rights: True or False?

Black type with a couple of green FIJA logos (you may have to set your printer settings to print it in black-and-white only), letter size, trifold, general purpose brochure in .pdf format suitable for black-and-white printing on light-colored or white paper. If you order them from us, they are black print on yellow paper.
● Download .pdf file
● Purchase printed brochures



Doing Your Best As a Trial Juror: Surviving Voir Dire

Black type and images, ledger/tabloid size, bifold brochure in .pdf format discussing what everyone needs to know about how to get on a jury when they are called for jury service.
● Download .pdf file
● Purchase printed brochures


Fully Informed Jury Poster

Full color Fully Informed Jury poster, 17″ X 22″.
● Download .pdf file
● Purchase printed posters