Opinion | Donald J. Trump: Why I’m Suing Big Tech

One of the gravest threats to our democracy today is a powerful group of Big Tech corporations that have teamed up with government to censor the free speech of the American people. This is not only wrong—it is unconstitutional. To restore free speech for myself and for every American, I am suing Big Tech to stop it. Social media has become as central to free speech as town meeting halls, newspapers and television networks were in prior generations. The internet is the new public square. In recent years, however, Big Tech platforms have become increasingly brazen and shameless in censoring […]

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Todd Engel Speaking At The Cocolalla Cowboy Church

Todd Engel Speaking At The Cocolalla Cowboy Church   Event sponsored by Pistol Prof. The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: Paypal.me/RedoubtNews The post Todd Engel Speaking At […]

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Matt Shea’s Patriot Radio – Michael Cutler: Author, Retired INS Agent

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Supreme Court Likely To Issue Major Ruling on Ballot Harvesting Soon

The Supreme Court is poised to issue a major ruling that could impact the practice of “ballot harvesting” across the United States. The court’s current term is slated to expire at the end of this month, which is this Thursday, and it is likely to rule on a voting rights case that calls into question Arizona’s law that bans ballot harvesting, or the practice of collecting ballots for delivery. Also under consideration is the state’s law that mandates the dismissal of ballots that were cast in the wrong voting district. After the Democratic National Committee filed a lawsuit against the […]

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Happy birthday, Eric Blair — the dystopian world you conjured is still here year after year

“The centuries of capitalism were held to have produced nothing of any value. One could not learn history from architecture any more than one could learn it from books. Statues, inscriptions, memorial stones, the names of streets — anything that might throw light upon the past had been systematically altered.” — “Nineteen Eighty-four” I don’t know about you, but I’ve taken to placing a little sticky note over the camera atop my desktop computer. If former FBI Director James Comey and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg do it, so will I. Big and Little Brothers may be watching. Continue reading Happy birthday, […]

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Why a SCOTUS justice did an about face on free speech

How did Oliver Wendell Holmes in less than a year switch from saying arguing against the draft — that it was tantamount to falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater — to arguing that free speech is necessary for a marketplace of ideas seek out the truth. Oliver Wendell Holmes In March 1919 Holmes wrote the unanimous opinion in Schenck v. U.S. Charles Schenck was convicted of violating the Espionage Act of 1917 for writing a pamphlet arguing that the draft violated the 13th Amendment prohibition against involuntary servitude. Holmes reasoned that the pamphlet posed a “clear and present danger” […]

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Juneteenth, Black Independence Day

Juneteenth, Black Independence Day by Shari Dovale Most Americans have little or no knowledge about “Juneteenth National Independence Day”, the newest Federal holiday as of June 17th. Juneteenth is a word combined from “June” and “Nineteenth” the day in 1865 that Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger was supposed to have led soldiers to Galveston, Texas to deliver the message that the Union had won the war and there was no more slavery in the country. Some have likened the word to something from the failed “Ebonics” and felt that the holiday should be named along the lines of “Freedom Day”. “I fully support […]

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World Health Organization Directive is About Sharia Compliance

World Health Organization Directive is About Sharia Compliance by Shari Dovale The globalist World Health Organization (WHO) has drafted its “Global Alcohol Action Plan 2022-2030”, stating that they want to raise awareness among the public about the risks and harms associated with alcohol. However, within this 37 pages is a demand that pregnant women and those of “child-bearing age” not drink alcohol. View Fullscreen Outrage is being heard throughout the world, mostly calling the directive part of the “Nanny State” feeling like women are being condescended to as brood mares and not being left to their own choices. The directive […]

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Fairfax Virginia Reaps The Treasonous Seeds It Sowed

Fairfax Virginia Reaps The Treasonous Seeds It Sowed by John D. Guandolo Why are some citizens in Fairfax, Virginia “shocked” the graduation speaker at Justice High School openly supports jihad, and the student leading the Pledge of Allegiance included the phrase “…one nation under allah?” The graduation speaker, Fairfax County School Board Member and sharia-adherent muslim Abrar Omeish, told the audience in English, Spanish, and Arabic, “Be reminded of the details of your jihad.” See the video of Abrar’s comments here. When she spoke in English Abrar used the word “struggle,” but “jihad” when speaking in Arabic. Abrar Omeish knows that the […]

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Cyber Strike Against America’s Power Grid Could Be Aided By The Deep State

Cyber Strike Against America’s Power Grid Could Be Aided By The Deep State by Mike Adams We now have intel from multiple sources, both public and private, that indicate a large-scale cyber warfare strike against America’s infrastructure will be attempted soon, possibly carried out by both the communist Chinese (for their own strategic reasons) but also potentially aided by the U.S. deep state that seeks to sow chaos in the aftermath of Arizona ballot audit results being released (estimated to occur in late July). We are issuing this public alert with the intention of encouraging people to prepare for the possibility […]

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Wild Bill For America – The Persecution Begins

Wild Bill For America – The Persecution Begins The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: Paypal.me/RedoubtNews The post Wild Bill For America – The Persecution Begins appeared first […]

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