WBCSD Levy is an Audacity

WBCSD Levy is an Audacity Last March, West Bonner County School District voters said No to the 2-year supplemental levy. A week later the school board voted unanimously to re-run it. Clearly, they consider the will of the voters to be irrelevant and perhaps based on ignorance. Actually, the voters, having endured a never-ending train of levies, are pretty savvy and are looking at details. The first thing they noticed this time is that calling it a “replacement” levy is misleading: it is 14.4% higher than the previous 2-year levy, and therefore a tax increase. Secondly, transparency in accounting practices […]

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Fighting In A Losing Arena

Fighting In A Losing Arena by Pete Ketcham The battle for the mystical moral soul of America goes on at a frantic pace in the political arena, with the God-fearing conservatives losing ground year after year. The conservative’s belief has been: that if we just win the senate, or the house, or the presidency we can turn it all around, but this strategy has actually done nothing to prevent the moral decline of America. The reason that the conservatives continue to fail, is that the moral soul of this nation lies within the cultural arena, not in the political arena. […]

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Racism Is A Public Health Crisis

Racism Is A Public Health Crisis by Karen Schumacher Very recently there has been a massive push towards creating the myth, or what is really a theory without any scientific proof, that racism is a public health crisis, and if not already in your city or county, may be coming to your local government soon with a resolution to adopt it.  It is Critical Race Theory (CRT) on steroids. Several Democratic Senators have reintroduced a resolution, S.Res. 172, Declaring Racism A Public Health Crisis, with the House of Representatives creating companion legislation.  Somehow, a virus has accelerated racial disparities that […]

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Is cutting agricultural output to save the climate a good idea?

Writing on today’s opinion page of the Elko Daily Free Press, Cheyenne, Wyo., attorney Karen Budd-Falen warns of some of the consequences of the Biden administration’s so-called 30×30 Plan to conserve in its natural or unproductive state 30 percent of the nation’s land and water by 2030. The plan’s stated objective is to avert “a profound climate crisis.” Budd-Falen notes that by 2030 the world’s population is expected to increase to 8.5 billion people. “To feed all those people, the world needs farmers and ranchers,” she writes. “According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, the average American farm feeds 166 […]

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WBCSD Needs Accountability, Not Levies

WBCSD Needs Accountability, Not Levies Remember those glossy postcards from WBCSD? They spent over $43,000 to learn how to sell themselves. Why not hold regular town halls for the public? Monthly open houses for the community?  How transparent is it when they start off with a general fund shortfall of $2.5 million with no explanation for it. They need to learn to live within a budget like the rest of us.  Trustees and administrators claim that the money for the “Covid pandemic” is not a substitute for levy dollars. Why not?  Maybe WBCSD should offer to repay the tax payers for […]

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Should FBI Be Abolished, Replaced? Fisa Court Issues Dismal Report

Should FBI Be Abolished, Replaced? Fisa Court Issues Dismal Report By Mike Huckabee The FBI has been “seriously and systematically abusing its warrantless electronic surveillance authority” by overstepping the limitations under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act” (FISA). We’ve been saying this for years, certainly ever since it was learned that the Russia hoax and the fake Steele “dossier” were used to fraudulently obtain warrants from them to spy on Trump campaign associates. You know it, we know it, we all know it, and now the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) has finally offered evidence of it, in […]

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Big Baby! Pro Life or Pro Fundraiser?

Big Baby! Pro Life or Pro Fundraiser? By Bob Shillingstad When you see someone driving their vehicle and wearing a mask, your first reaction is one of shock at their stupidity and then anger at their complicity in this charade.  You do realize that they are serious in their indoctrination that somehow they are helping save lives!  When you read about the so-called “Heartbeat” bill that the Idaho legislature passed in this year’s session and you are serious about ending abortion and know what the bill really says then you go through the same emotions.  It is stupid and makes […]

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WBCSD – A Bloated Bureaucracy Asking For More Money

WBCSD – A Bloated Bureaucracy Asking For More Money Why has the one sign, VOTE NO LEVY, in Priest River, been stolen – twice? Why can’t one voice be left to speak? Why the censorship? Did you know that West Bonner County School District (WBCSD) has the worst ISAT scores of any of the surrounding school districts? Also, WBCSD spends more per student than any of these school districts. Cost per student has been going up dramatically in the face of declining enrollment, and is now 155% of the Idaho average. Take a look at this data from the WBCSD’s […]

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More Government Funded Public School Indoctrination

More Government Funded Public School Indoctrination by John D. Guandolo Communism has come fruition in America in the form of Joe Biden’s American Families Plan. Last week, during his address to Congress, Joe Biden nearly quoted communist doctrine as told America he is expanding “free” public schooling by 4 years and increasing America’s expenditures by approximately $6 TRILLION ($1.8 trillion for American Families Plan, and $4 trillion for Green New Deal). While Joe Biden’s American Families Plan is filled with communist/socialist policy actions, the purpose of this article is not to go line by line through the plan. The purpose […]

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Oregon SB 554: The Sell Out Is Complete

Oregon SB 554: The Sell Out Is Complete by Oregon Firearms Federation SB 554, as amended by the House, has been passed by the Senate and now goes to the governor for her signature. The bill was rushed onto the schedule last night after having been posted for a vote on June 11th and then June 15th. 6 Republican Senators once again provided the quorum needed to pass the bill. Last month almost all House Republicans did the same. As expected the Republican Senators who helped pass the bill were: Fred Girod Dick Anderson Bill Kennemer Tim Knopp Bill Hansell Lynn […]

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I’m Tired of Political Theater

I’m Tired of Political Theater by Don Bradway The recent passing of the “Fetal Heartbeat” bill in Idaho is a sad example of the political theater we are forced to watch from all levels of government.  Those who claim to be “pro-life” (even conservatives involved in politics) heralded the bill as “an end to abortion in Idaho.”  They could not be more wrong nor further from the truth.   The “Fetal Heartbeat” bill is what is known as a “Trigger” bill in that there must be action from another source before the bill would take effect in Idaho.  More importantly, […]

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Kathy Rose is an Excellent Choice for Library Board

Kathy Rose is an Excellent Choice for Library Board The Sandpoint library board has put us through more than a year of authoritarian restrictions, the likes of which have not been seen in this county.  An iron-fisted mask requirement, refusal to lift it in spite of many pleas, calling the police on citizens who violated it even slightly, publicly demonizing those citizens as “insurgents”, plus lengthy shutdowns of the building drew attention to this board as glaringly unsuited for public service.  On May 18 we have a chance to replace two of the board members running for re-election.  One is […]

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Trigger Warning With Special Guest Jim Hoffman

Chris Brumbles’ Trigger Warning With Special Guest Jim Hoffman   Chris’ Latest Article on Redoubt News! When The Going Gets Tough, The Spineless Capitulate! And more of Chris Brumbles! Reports from behind the Wire, defying the propaganda of the Marxist Curtain styling itself as social democracy, this is your Trigger Warning. The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream […]

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Trigger Warning With Special Guest Jim Hoffman

Chris Brumbles’ Trigger Warning With Special Guest Jim Hoffman   Chris’ Latest Article on Redoubt News! When The Going Gets Tough, The Spineless Capitulate! And more of Chris Brumbles! Reports from behind the Wire, defying the propaganda of the Marxist Curtain styling itself as social democracy, this is your Trigger Warning. The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream […]

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Not Your Father’s Democrat/Republican Parties

Not Your Father’s Democrat/Republican Parties By Mike Huckabee The Democrats have been getting poor people to vote for them (and keep themselves poor) for years by claiming that they’re the party of the poor and the working class and the Republicans only represent the wealthy. Like much of what they tell voters, that is a hunk of hooey, and there’s now official government proof. Democrats’ ‘Working Man’s Party’ Image Shattered as IRS Data Reveals the Undeniable Truth As the linked article reports, a new study of IRS data by Bloomberg backs up several other studies in showing that the exact […]

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Racist Regime Targets Blacks With Menthol Ban

Racist Regime Targets Blacks With Menthol Ban by Shari Dovale The Racist Harris-Biden Regime has unleashed another attack on African Americans with their new menthol ban. The FDA admits that low income, black, and LGBT individuals individuals “are far more likely to use these tobacco products.” Some reports have this number as high as 4 out of 5 people that use mint-flavored cigarettes are black. This, if true, would seem to confirm the targeting of Blacks among the Harris-Biden Regime. Proponents of the ban suggests that the health issues of Black Americans are what is at issue. However, because so […]

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Vaccinated People Are Making Healthy People Sick

Vaccinated People Are Making Healthy People Sick by Mike Adams The vaccine is the bioweapon. Specifically, the spike protein is the bioactive weapon, and it is designed to spread from person to person, being transmissible from the vaccinated in order to infect the unvaccinated. Never forget that Bill Gates has long wanted to use mosquitoes to carry vaccines so that people could be vaccinated against their own wishes (and completely without informed consent). Now, it turns out, they don’t need mosquitoes. They have high-obedience humans ready to carry out the same role. People who are injected with the mRNA vaccine […]

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When The Going Gets Tough, The Spineless Capitulate

When The Going Gets Tough, The Spineless Capitulate by Chris Brumbles Our country is under attack from within by the cancer of Cultural Marxism and  the insane Ideology of the Radical Far Left. Nowhere is the attack on sanity and Liberty  more evident than here in Oregon. As the recent stolen election left us with an utter Moron at the helm racing this country to the bottom, Oregon has a Governor, supported by a Super-Majority that Bloomberg put in office, that has a vision that would leave us looking up to see the bottom that Jobama O’xiden dreams of leaving […]

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Candidate Responds To Library Board Lifting Mask Mandate

Candidate Responds To Library Board Lifting Mask Mandate by Kathy Rose In an obvious political move, with two trustee positions threatened, the East Bonner County Library District held a “special meeting” regarding the mask policy, a hot topic of this election, one which they have shrugged their shoulders at for the past year. The original decision to implement and continue a mask requirement was rooted in enforcing CDC guidelines. They now believe it will be okay to lift the requirement next month. The CDC requirements have not changed. In fact, they recommend masking even after vaccination. Ask yourself why the […]

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Totalitarian Control Of Citizens At The Sandpoint Library

Totalitarian Control Of Citizens At The Sandpoint Library Has cancel culture begun to make inroads at the Sandpoint library?  When I read the letter by Mr. Cort Gifford, a senior citizen and frequent library user with COPD problems that prevent him from wearing a mask, I was shocked at the treatment he experienced from library staff: they threatened him with calling the police for merely lowering the mask below his nose.  He also has diabetes-related vision difficulties, so the face shield does not work for him either, so he raised it while 12 feet away from the nearest person.  For […]

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Library Board Incumbents Are Hostile To The Public

Library Board Incumbents Are Hostile To The Public The two incumbents running for re-election to the Sandpoint library board are not upfront about who they are. * Both claim to be Republicans but are vigorously supported by Bonner County Democrats and radical leftists like 350.org. * Both are the instigators, defenders, and hard-line enforcers of the library mask mandate that has been in place for some 13 months now. Now they are trying to placate the public by saying they are examining the issue, but no results have been forthcoming. * Both went so far as to repeatedly shut down […]

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It’s Time to Breathe Free at the Library

It’s Time to Breathe Free at the Library Sandpoint’s East Bonner County Library, a service funded by our taxes, is still requiring patrons to wear a mask. The library board (and staff) have forced people with health problems associated with masks out the door, even canceling the library card of one such senior citizen. They have called the police on patrons (parents with children) protesting the mask policy, calling them “insurgents.” Large attendance at library board meetings, calling for an end to masks, has done no good. You have an opportunity to end this on May 18 by voting for […]

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Vote Jalon Peters For East Bonner County Library Board

Vote Jalon Peters For East Bonner County Library Board   Labeling people as “extremists” and warning of things like “book banning” are not only divisive to a large swath of East Bonner County residents, rhetoric like this is the hallmark of an entrenched bureaucracy that wants to maintain its power by instilling fear of change and demonizing anyone who dares question it. And it’s this kind of fear-mongering that the current library board has engaged in for over a year. The result: scores of constituents and taxpayers who are left alienated, marginalized by those who are tasked with representing us, but instead, protect the entity to […]

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WBCSD 83 Has More Money Coming Than It Admits

WBCSD 83 Has More Money Coming Than It Admits Say No To This Levy The ink was barely dry on the defeat of the West Bonner County School District levy before the school board saw fit to take another run at it. We heard the usual tale of woe about what will happen if it doesn’t pass – layoffs, school closings, etc. etc. With myopic focus, the board chooses to talk only about what hardship WBCSD will experience but has a tin ear when it comes to taxpayers’ concern about how this levy digs into our pockets. $146.95 per $100,000 […]

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