Victory Against Social Justice Indoctrination!

Victory Against Social Justice Indoctrination! By Rep. Ronald Nate Wednesday, the House of Representatives sent a thunderous message about purging Social Justice indoctrination and activism from Idaho public university campuses by voting down the Higher Education budgets bill (S1179) on a 13-57 vote.  A prominent theme throughout this legislative session is what to do about the Social Justice (Critical Race Theory) indoctrination polluting Idaho public universities. While the State Board of Education is charged with over-seeing our universities, the Idaho Legislature controls the budgets and spending on higher education.  That is our tool for protecting students and institutions. The House […]

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Trigger Warning With Special Guest Jim Hoffman

Chris Brumbles’ Trigger Warning With Special Guest Jim Hoffman   Reports from behind the Wire, defying the propaganda of the Marxist Curtain styling itself as social democracy, this is your Trigger Warning. The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and […]

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Biden Nominates First Muslim to Federal Bench

Biden Nominates First Muslim to Federal Bench by John D. Guandolo Joe Biden announced the nomination of Zahid Quraishi, a practicing muslim, to be a magistrate judge for the District of New Jersey. If confirmed, Quraishi will be the first muslim federal judge in American history. All authoritative Islamic doctrine, from the highest levels of Islamic jurisprudence to the most widely used text book in U.S. Islamic junior high schools (What Islam is All About) states the purpose of Islam is to wage war until “allah’s divine law”/sharia is imposed on every human on earth. What Islam is All About […]

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Five Big Tech Companies to Be Investigated for Censorship of Conservative Content: Indiana AG

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita said on Wednesday that he will be scrutinizing five big tech companies that might have potentially caused harm to Indiana consumers through “abusive, deceptive and/or unfair” practices. The five companies to be scrutinized by Rokita are Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter. The attorney general is particularly looking into procedures that allegedly restrict consumers’ access to specific content, referring to the deletion or obscuring of conservative posts. “In a free society, few assets are more important to consumers than access to information and the opportunity to express political viewpoints in meaningful forums,” Rokita said. “It […]

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Critical Race Theory Did Not Suddenly Arrive In The Classroom

Critical Race Theory Did Not Suddenly Arrive In The Classroom by Rep. Judy Boyle As many of you know, the legislature has been learning about and focusing on how the Marxist movement of Critical Race Theory (CRT) has infiltrated American public schools. CRT is being used to divide our nation and create great distrust and even hate among the races of people who make up our “melting pot” of Americans. Students are being taught to feel guilty and ashamed of their identity, race, family, and ancestors instead of valuing and respecting the individual regardless of race, gender, religion, or economic […]

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America’s Frontline Doctor: Simone Gold

America’s Frontline Doctor: Simone Gold by Shari Dovale Covenant Church in Spokane, Washington recently hosted the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr. Simone Gold. Gold, along with the other doctors, came to the attention of the country after holding a press conference in front of the US Supreme Court Building. The press conference was referred to as the “White Coat Summit.” Dr. Gold spoke of the “Wuhan Virus”, and explained that science has always referred to diseases through the locations where they are discovered. Reference the “Spanish Flu,” “West Nile Virus,” and “Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever” as well as dozens […]

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Twitter’s War On Christianity?

Twitter’s War On Christianity? “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ: whom He raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.” (1 Corinthians 15:14-15) by Shari Dovale  The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith. To believe that Christ rose three days after his crucifixion, is to be a Christian. This simple fact is what sets Christians apart from all other religions and […]

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Control of the National Media and Education

Control of the National Media and Education by Pete Ketcham The following statement by Thomas Jefferson was true in it’s day: “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people, they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty”, but today that statement could be modified to read: “Indoctrinate and misinform the whole mass of the people, they are the only sure reliance for the loss of our liberty.” The mainstream news media, social media, and the education system today has now Indoctrinated and misinformed well over half of the US population, which as things are turning […]

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Running for Trustee of East Bonner County Library

Running for Trustee of East Bonner County Library Kathy Rose announced today the launch of her candidacy for the position of East Bonner County Library (EBCL) Trustee. A public use policy defining the EBCL entrance requirements, which has been delegated to the Library Director, is an abdication of authority. The five member EBCL Board of Trustees best serves its constituents when there is diversity of opinions to decide library issues. “Currently, a single person, the Library Director, has been given unbridled authority. She is allowed to criminally trespass public taxpayers who fund the operation of the library, for simply not […]

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MLB Boycotted Georgia a Day After Expanding China Deal

Major League Baseball had extended and expanded its contract with a Chinese telecommunications giant shortly before boycotting the state of Georgia over the league’s disagreement with the election reforms recently enacted by the Peach State’s democratically elected governor and legislature. Chinese state media reported on April 1 that the MLB will continue to be aired on the streaming platform operated by Chinese tech giant Tencent, which has significant ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Tencent is of the Chinese companies that had temporarily dropped NBA games as a form of censorship after former Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey […]

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Joe Biden’s Bid to Remake America

Joe Biden’s Bid to Remake America by Patrick J. Buchanan If Joe Biden’s American Jobs Program, outlined in Pittsburgh, is enacted, then the federal government will take a great leap forward toward irreversible control of the destiny of the Republic. To finance this leap, to subsidize this giant stride toward socialism, U.S. corporations are to be forced to turn over to the government a far larger slice of their earnings. The corporate tax rate is to be raised from 21 to 28%. And that is only the first of the new or added taxes to come — on incomes, capital […]

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Bill Gates’ Mad Science Terraforming Scheme Blocked

Bill Gates’ Mad Science Terraforming Scheme Blocked By Reindeer Herders by Mike Adams Bill Gates is an anti-human depopulation zealot who wants to exterminate humankind by blocking the sun and collapsing the global food supply. His mad science experiment to launch this global death initiative is called the “SCoPEx” project, which I first reported back in 2019. At that time, the fake news media claimed all reports about the project were a “conspiracy theory.” Through further research, I was able to establish that this geoengineering / terraforming experiment was also funded by the Nazi-linked Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, which is […]

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Iowa Governor Signs Bill Into Law Letting Residents Buy, Carry Guns Without Permits

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on Nov. 16, 2020. (Kelsey Kremer/Des Moines Register/Pool) Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed legislation into law on Friday lifting some restrictions to buy or carry a handgun in the state for law-abiding citizens. The NRA-backed legislation named “House File 756” will take effect on July 1 and eliminates the requirement for law-abiding Iowans to obtain a permit to purchase a handgun from private non-licensed sources. Additionally, to carry a weapon, people will no longer need to have a permit as well. Individuals will still have to follow federal law and go through an instant background check […]

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YouTube Deleted 2.5 Million ‘Dislikes’ From Biden White House Videos, Data Indicates

YouTube has deleted about 2.5 million ‘dislikes’ from videos on the official White House channel of President Joe Biden, according to data collected and posted online by a researcher who wished to remain anonymous. YouTube recently announced that it’s testing a new page design that hides the dislike count. The Google-owned video platform allows users to give videos either a thumb up (like) or thumb down (dislike). For at least two years, it’s had a policy to remove likes and dislikes it considers spam. “We have policies and systems in place to ensure that the engagement on YouTube is authentic, […]

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Arkansas State Senate Passes Bill Banning Enforcement of Federal Gun Control Laws

The Arkansas state Senate voted this week to block federal law enforcement officials enforcing certain gun laws and regulations, sending a bill to the state House in the midst of congressional gun-control proposals. The Senate voted 28-7 to approve the measure, which will then be sent to the House. Arkansas’ Legislature is overwhelmingly Republican. “All acts, law, orders, rules, and regulations of the United States Government, whether past, present, or future, that infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and Arkansas Constitution, Article 2, [Section] 5, […]

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Michelle Malkin Highlights KCRCC Lincoln Day

Michelle Malkin Highlights KCRCC Lincoln Day by Shari Dovale The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) are becoming known for their annual Lincoln Day gala. This year was no different. Hosting more than 650 people at the Coeur d’Alene Resort, they held true to their conservative roots with the theme of “Keep Idaho Red”. The Chairman of the KCRCC hosted the evening as Master of Ceremonies, Brent Regan. Accomplished at blending serious with humor, Regan kept the guests entertained and the evening moving along smoothly. A favorite speaker among the people is Lt Gov. Janice McGeachin. She has been a […]

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The Right View Interviews Our President

The Right View Interviews Our President Yes, the Interview Facebook and Instagram Have BANNED! The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post The Right View Interviews […]

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California Curriculum Forces Children To Chant To Aztec Demon Gods

California Curriculum Forces Children To Chant To Aztec Demon Gods   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post California Curriculum Forces Children To Chant To […]

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Trigger Warning With Special Guest Jim Huffman

Chris Brumbles’ Trigger Warning With Special Guest Jim Huffman Reports from behind the Wire, defying the propaganda of the Marxist Curtain styling itself as social democracy, this is your Trigger Warning. The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. […]

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Feds Disgraced! Oathkeepers Vindicated!

Feds Disgraced! Oathkeepers Vindicated! by Shari Dovale The Democrat-Socialist Federal prosecutors, aka U.S. Department of Justice, have had a field day with the Antifa-led Capital riots on January 6th. In their over-zealousness to project the blame to President Trump and his supporters, they humiliated themselves by claiming that Thomas Caldwell, a retired U.S. Navy officer from Virginia, was a leader in the group “Oathkeepers”. They took this a step further and attempted to use Facebook messages sent to him as proof that he helped plan the Antifa-led breach of the Capital building. Arguing that Caldwell was too dangerous to be […]

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Death by Government Review DHS Purge and Why Cyber Over EMP

Episode 21-10 Death by Government Review DHS Purge and Why Cyber Over EMP   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions […]

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Oregon SB 554: Republican Scam Allowed It To Pass

Oregon SB 554: Republican Scam Allowed It To Pass This Train Wreck Was Planned As you know, this past Thursday, the Oregon Senate passed SB 554, a direct attack on persons with Oregon Concealed Handgun Licenses. This assault was based on nothing except the Democrat’s blind hatred for gun owners. The Democrats gave no examples of CHL holders in Oregon shooting up libraries or bus shelters. This extreme attack on the rights, and even the freedom of Oregon’s most law abiding citizens, was motivated by nothing more than the “feelings” of liberals whose mental stability is clearly in question. The […]

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Vaccine Passport – Soon Your Travel Papers

Vaccine Passport – Soon Your Travel Papers Editorial by Bret Roush The Covid-19(84) passport, with lockdowns and masking, the economic pressure placed on businesses, especially the entertainment venues, has made them leap to support the electronic Covid-19(84) passport rollout, just so they can start to have a cash flow high enough to stay in business. The fact that it is unnecessary is not even mentioned. How many medical professionals have indicated that masks are not helping to slow any spread of the Covid-19(84) propaganda virus. The ”Ministry of Truth” is already in existence on social media and has it’s cancerous […]

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2 Teen Girls Charged With Murder of 66-Year-Old Uber Eats Driver in DC

Two teenage girls were charged with murder and carjacking in connection to the death of a 66-year-old Uber Eats driver in Washington, officials said. The girls, aged 13 and 15, were charged in a family court with felony murder while armed, reckless driving, and carjacking, according to Fox Baltimore. A police homicide detective, Chad Leo, testified in court that witnesses told him the teen girls and the driver—who family members identified as Mohammad Anwar, a Pakistani immigrant—were arguing loudly. The witnesses said the driver complained the girls were attempting to steal his car. The identities of the two girls were […]

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