Common Core + SBAC Tests = Eternal Life

Common Core + SBAC Tests = Eternal Life By Rep. Ronald Nate President Ronald Reagan once said something like this, “The closest thing to eternal life on earth is a government program.”  Hello, Common Core.  I even recall before Common Core sneaked into Idaho through a “rule change” how parents and kids were promised by then Superintendent, Tom Luna, “If we don’t like Common Core, we can undo it.”  If it were only that simple.   For over 10 years now, concerned parents, teachers, and kids have been frustrated by Common Core standards and curriculum, and perhaps even more by the SBAC […]

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Dam Removal Plan Would Devastate Agriculture

Dam Removal Plan Would Devastate Agriculture POCATELLO – Idaho Farm Bureau Federation, the state’s largest farm organization, is strongly opposed to a proposal that would result in the removal of four lower Snake River dams that provide amazing benefits to Idaho and the entire Pacific Northwest region. Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, last week floated a $33 billion plan that he believes could help endangered salmon populations. The highlight of Simpson’s proposal calls for the removal of the four lower Snake River dams. This marks the first time a member of the PNW congressional delegation has formally raised the prospect of […]

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Rolling in Extra Money, Return the Change

Rolling in Extra Money, Return the Change By Rep. Ronald Nate Let’s say you’re running a cash register at the movie theater (remember when we would go to movies?), and someone gives you $20 for two tickets when the total price is only $16.  Do you keep the extra $4 for theater costs or improvements, or do you return the change?  Each year, the state sets a budget (or ticket price) for the priorities it sees the state should address (education, healthcare assistance, roads, police, etc.).  The state collects the taxes and works on the priorities. If the state takes […]

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America Is Awake!

America Is Awake! Last night there was over 60 people attending the Bonner County Planning and Zoning Commission. A 160 acre plot of land was applying for a zone change and comprehensive plan amendment for a subdivision to go from 5 acres to 10 acres. Bonner County Planner, Tessa Vogel, gave an excellent summation of all the hazards involved in passing the applications, with “no pass” advised. Local speakers from the Hoodoo Valley against the applications mentioned: * Bonner County Comprehensive Plan states the desire to preserve and protect agriculture and prime farm land. * A huge increase in Spirit […]

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Trump Impeachment ‘Political Theater,’ Ignores US History: Constitutional Lawyer

The impeachment effort against former President Donald Trump is “political theater” that goes against the history of the United States and the American Constitution itself, according to constitutional attorney Rick Green. “When we have political actors involved, we get political theater. And that’s a lot of what we’re getting here. Is this the judiciary now? Is the Senate now the judiciary that will try any citizen? Because an impeachment is specifically for someone that is in office, according to the American Constitution,” Green, a former Texas state representative and co-founder of the Patriot Academy, told “American Thought Leaders.” Trump’s attorneys […]

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Trigger Warning With Special Guest Matt Shea

Chris Brumbles’ Trigger Warning With Special Guest Matt Shea   Reports from behind the Wire, defying the propaganda of the Marxist Curtain styling itself as social democracy, this is your Trigger Warning. The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and […]

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2020 Election Fiasco Favored Dems, So Congress Is Trying To Make Sloppiness Permanent

by Jordan Davidson A new congressional bill seeks to grant Democrats the power to overhaul state election processes and impose new regulations on political advertisements and donors, granting Congress “ultimate supervisory power over federal elections.” Democrats introduced the new 800-page “For The People Act of 2021” in early January with the hopes that their control in the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate would allow for swift passage of the bill. The legislation is packaged as an anti-corruption reform bill, marketed by its sponsors, corporate media outlets, and other activist institutions as a way to “expand Americans’ access to the ballot […]

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Facebook Hires NATO Press Officer as Intelligence Chief

Feature photo | George Washington University School of Media & Public Affairs | Additions and editing by MintPress News February 09th, 2021 By Alan Macleod Ben Nimmo, a former NATO press officer and current senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, has announced Facebook has hired him to “lead global threat intelligence strategy against influence operations” and “emerging threats.” Nimmo specifically named Russia, Iran and China as potential dangers to the platform. His announcement was greeted with joy by several NATO officials but was not met with such enthusiasm by others. “More censorship on the way as the former NATO press […]

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Overwhelmed By Corruption  

Overwhelmed By Corruption by Pete Ketcham In the past, many articles and editorials concerning the dishonesty, lies, and deception of the Democrat Party have been written. But stepping back and taking an overall look at the entire present national government, one can see corruption, like a thick fog spreading over an entire valley. Admittedly there are some individuals in positions of power in this government who are honest, but the great majority are corrupt. The major reason for this overall corruption is that a political culture has been created that rewards corruption. This culture had been in a subdued existence […]

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Grocery Tax Repeal being Held In Committee

Grocery Tax Repeal being Held In Committee   BOISE, IDAHO — When you hit the neighborhood grocery store to do your weekly shopping trip for eggs, milk, bread, fruits and other staples, you pay the cost of the groceries plus an additional 6% in state sales tax which goes into the state general fund. The grocery tax brings in about $246 million to the state budget. You may be surprised to learn that Idaho is one of only five states to fully apply sales taxes on grocery purchases. Of our six neighboring states, only Utah taxes groceries but does so […]

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A Digital Apartheid Is Upon Us

Commentary – John Mills Col. (Ret.) John Mills is a national security professional with service in five eras: Cold War, Peace Dividend, War on Terror, World in Chaos, and now—Great Power Competition. He is the former director of cybersecurity policy, strategy, and international affairs at the Department of Defense. It started innocuously. It was an acceptable drag coefficient from Facebook, just be careful what you say politically when you post something. The quick and seemingly inexpensive brown boxes from Amazon were addictive, so just accept the sneers and derision of the self-appointed newspaper of record (subsidized by Jeff Bezos, the common owner […]

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Time Magazine Details the “Shadow Campaign” Against Trump

In a surprisingly brazen article, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” Time magazine chronicles a myriad of pre- and post-election actions taken by a loose coalition of Democratic operatives, grassroots activists, mainstream media, tech companies, and corporate CEOs before and after the 2020 presidential election. According to the article, the effort consisted of “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” In the post-election days, the author refers to this […]

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Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

The claim often repeated by the mainstream media, social-media content moderators, and fact-checkers that lawsuits filed by President Donald Trump’s campaign and Republicans were universally dismissed by the courts is untrue, according to a new analysis. The findings do not necessarily suggest that if the lawsuits had all been decided before Joe Biden was certified as the official winner of the presidential election by Congress on Jan. 7 that former President Trump would have won the hotly contested election. Nor would they necessarily have affected many of the Electoral College votes won by Biden in the disputed battleground states. Continue […]

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‘Never Warned Me’: Twitter Suspends Conservative Radio Host Wayne Allyn Root

Twitter suspended conservative radio host Wayne Allyn Root over the weekend alongside the permanent suspension of The Gateway Pundit. “I am in shock,” Root told Fox News in confirming the development. “It appears to be a permanent ban. Although I don’t know.” “Twitter never warned me. … And never sent any communication saying I’ve been suspended or banned. I simply tried to tweet yesterday afternoon and could not,” he said. “But unlike a previous suspension … My followers suddenly said 0.” The Epoch Times has reached out to Twitter for comment. When attempting to access Root’s Twitter page, it displays […]

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Trump Mulling Whether to Launch Own Social Media Platform, Says Jason Miller

Senior adviser to former President Donald Trump, Jason Miller, said on Saturday that Trump is deciding how he will reemerge on social media, including considering whether to create his own platform. “I would expect that we will see the president reemerge on social media,” Miller told Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125. “Whether that’s joining an existing platform or creating his new platform, there are a number of different options and a number of different meetings that they’ve been having on that front. Nothing is imminent on that.” When pressed for more information about Trump’s social media plans, Miller said“all options are […]

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Supreme Court to Consider 2020 Election Challenge Lawsuits in February Conference

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday scheduled several high-profile contest-of-election lawsuits, including ones brought by attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood, and the Trump campaign, for consideration at its Feb. 19 conference. According to a case listing, the lawsuits include Sidney Powell’s Michigan case(20-815), the Trump campaign’s Pennsylvania lawsuit (20-845) and Wisconsin lawsuit (20-882), the Pennsylvania lawsuit brought by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) (20-810), and Lin Wood’s Georgia case (20-799). All cases allege some form of unlawful election-related conduct affecting the result of the election, including expansion of mail-in balloting by elections officials changing rules in contravention of state election laws, […]

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Trump Jr.: ‘Here’s What Comes Next for Our Amazing Movement’

Donald Trump Jr.., the son of former President Donald Trump, said that efforts from the former president and his team to advance the interests of the United States are continuing. He characterized such efforts as “a movement of the people … against the elite.” In a video on Trump Jr.’s social media accounts, headlined “here’s what comes next for our amazing movement,” he told supporters, “Just want to make sure everyone knows, guys, we are not done yet.” Trump Jr. then shared a recent video clip that showed his father walking off the golf course while saying, “We haven’t finished yet.” “He’s […]

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Mike Lindell – Absolute Proof

Mike Lindell – Absolute Proof    The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you. Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here:              Removed by Vimeo 3 hours after […]

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BLM names new deputy state director for Nevada

There’s a new deputy state director for resources, lands and planning for the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada. Alan Shepherd was selected last month to replace Raul Morales, who retired in 2019, according to the Nevada state office. As stated in a press release, Shepherd has more than 30 years of experience in the management of public lands, including extensive knowledge in wild horse and burro management, wildlife, vegetation and range management. His expertise also includes budget formulation and execution, as well as land-use planning. “It’s good to be back in the BLM Nevada family as the new deputy […]

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Some are more equal than others, under the Biden administration

Discrimination is in the eye of the beholder. In the eye of President Joe Biden’s administration — as in Orwell’s “Animal Farm” — some are more equal than others. This week the Justice Department withdrew a lawsuit pressed by the Trump administration against Yale University for allegedly violating federal civil-rights law by discriminating against white and Asian-American undergraduate applicants, according to The Wall Street Journal. According to a USA Today article from when the federal suit was filed, the Justice Department found that Asian American and white students have “only one-tenth to one-fourth of the likelihood of admission as African […]

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Sisolak wants to bring back company towns

Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it. Gov. Steve Sisolak, according to the morning paper, is contemplating introducing legislation that would allow the creation of Innovation Zones — basically separate branches of government for companies with lots of land and money that could “impose taxes, form school districts and justice courts and provide government services, to name a few duties.” What’s another word for Innovation Zones? Oh yes, Company Towns. Those were rather common from the late 1800s through the mid-1930s, but for some reason they’ve largely disappeared. Perhaps, because they were frequently penny-pinching, brutal fiefdoms. […]

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Impeachment Trial Designed to DESTROY Constitution

Impeachment Trial Designed to DESTROY Constitution by Shari Dovale The vengeful House Democrat-Marxists have transferred to the Senate a single article of impeachment against President Donald Trump. Read it here. To begin, let’s look at what an impeachment actually means. Article 2, Section 4 states that the “President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”  This describes an abuse of power by a high-level public official. Additionally, it is the first of a two-step process to remove the […]

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Article of Impeachment – Incitement of Insurrection

Articles of Impeachment – Incitement of Insurrection by Shari Dovale House Democrats introduced, and voted for, a single article of impeachment charging President Trump with incitement of insurrection concerning the events of January 6th. This was then sent to the Senate on January 25, 2021, well after Trump’s departure from Washington DC. The Senate has scheduled a trial on this charge, due to begin the week of Feb. 8th Senate rules require all 100 senators to be present on the Senate floor and seated in their assigned seats, six days a week until the trial is complete. However, Comrade Biden […]

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House Impeachment Brief Against Trump Threatens Freedom of Speech of All Americans: Dershowitz

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Thursday that the House impeachment brief against former President Donald Trump, which seeks to undermine Trump’s First Amendment-based argument in his defense, amounts to a dangerous broadside against the freedom of speech of all Americans. Writing in an op-ed for The Hill, Dershowitz made a case against a key argument contained in the brief (pdf), namely that “the First Amendment does not apply at all to impeachment proceedings,” signals Congressional willingness to take aim at freedom of speech more broadly. “The brief filed by the House managers advocating the conviction and disqualification […]

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