The Chaos Begins, Which Direction Do We Go?

The Chaos Begins, Which Direction Do You Go? by Pete Ketcham The nation is now coming into a period of governing chaos never experienced before. Although this may sound like an exaggerated statement based on political criticism, but never in our history has a godless cabal so devoid of wisdom, common sense, and moral character, led by a mentally deficient old man taken control of our nation. I used the term “led by a mentally deficient old man”, but in reality a radical cabal is directing every move the mentally deficient old man makes as president of the US. It […]

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Facebook Vows to Permanently Stop Recommending Political Groups

Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on Wednesday the platform will stop recommending political and civic groups to its users, in an effort to “turn down the temperature and discourage divisive conversations.” The social media company announced in October that it had taken “emergency measures” to stop recommending those groups to U.S. users in the run-up to the presidential election. According to an analysis by tech site The Markup, however, the platform continued to recommend political groups to its users throughout December, most often to Trump voters. Zuckerberg said on Wednesday the policy will be made permanent and apply to the […]

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Letter to the Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho (PERSI)

Letter to the Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho (PERSI)   26 January 2021 Twenty-two Idaho State Representatives and Senators along with Lieutenant Governor McGeachin submitted the attached letter to the Board of Trustees for the Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho (PERSI). The Board received the letter prior to their board meeting on January 25th at 1:30pm. The Board has authority over how PERSI funds are invested. Idaho currently has about $661,042,000 invested in large tech and social platform-based companies that have censored free speech and the free exchange of ideas by many groups of citizens. The investment breakdown […]

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Facebook Hires Biden Transition, Obama Admin Official as VP of ‘Civil Rights’

Facebook has hired Roy Austin, former Obama administration official and a member of President Joe Biden’s transition team, as the social media company’s vice president of Civil Rights and deputy general counsel. Austin used to serve as civil rights prosecutor and supervisor in the Department of Justice (DOJ) before becoming a deputy assistant to President Barack Obama for the Office of Urban Affairs, Justice and Opportunity in 2014. In 2017, he went into private practice as a criminal defense and civil rights attorney at Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis. In November, Biden named him as one of the volunteers on the […]

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Trigger Warning with Special Guests Rep. Mike Nearman, Shari Dovale & Larry Ericksen

Chris Brumbles’ Trigger Warning with Special Guests Rep. Mike Nearman, Shari Dovale & Larry Ericksen   Reports from behind the Wire, defying the propaganda of the Marxist Curtain styling itself as social democracy, this is your Trigger Warning.   Central Assessment Talking Points * In 2014, the Oregon Supreme Court upheld the Oregon Department of Revenue (“DOR”) central assessment of Comcast as “data transmission services” under Section 308.505(3) of Oregon statutes. In late 2020, the DOR stretched the definition of “data transmission services” to cover radio and television stations which would add an enterprise valuation tax on Oregon TV and […]

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Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden Deportation Freeze After Texas Challenge

  A federal judge in Texas temporarily blocked an executive order issued by President Joe Biden to halt the deportation of certain immigrants for 100 days. U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, issued a temporary restraining order on Jan. 26, blocking Biden’s policy nationwide for 14 days after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton challenged it in court. The order is a setback to the Biden administration, which has proposed far-reaching changes, including a plan to legalize about 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States illegally. Last week, the administration also issued an […]

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Democrats Want to Control Everything

Tucker Carlson: Democrats Want to Control Everything   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post Democrats Want to Control Everything appeared first on Redoubt News.

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Border Wall Contractors Told to Stop Construction by Tuesday Night: Congressman

All Customs and Border Protection (CPB) construction on the U.S.-Mexico border wall will stop by the end of Tuesday, according to a Democratic congressman whose district is located along the border. “I received notification that in accordance with President [Joe] Biden’s executive order, all CPB contractors have now been formally notified by CBP Procurement to pause construction activities on CBP self-executed projects,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) said in a statement. “While CBP cannot speak on behalf of the U.S. Department of Defense or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), it is expected that DOD and USACE are undertaking parallel action […]

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Gov. Little Having A Meltdown over Idaho Legislators

Gov. Little Having A Meltdown over Idaho Legislators by Shari Dovale The Republican majority in Boise is listening to their constituents and trying to end the lockdown imposed by Governor Brad Little nearly a year ago. Little has shut the lawmakers out of the process since the beginning. They finally had enough of his antics and are doing something about it. Currently, only the governor can call the Legislature into a special session, and the lawmakers can only address topics the governor chooses. Together the House and Senate are putting an end to this tyranny. In a 51-18 vote on […]

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Jim Woodward Has Zero North Idaho Fight In Him

Jim Woodward Has Zero North Idaho Fight In Him by Mike Franco In fact, Senator Jim Woodward’s guest piece in one of our local daily rags is a sad state of affairs. And his words indicate that he defers our “representation” to experts and higher bureaucratic authority. It’s also likely that the business and tax groups he looks to for counsel are of a progressive bent, especially if they’re clinging to the state’s hierarchy out of Boise, and the influence of Ada County. Senator Woodward uses Idaho’s mandate for a balanced budget as a crutch. These sentiments are insignificant since many […]

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First Amendment Rights Being Eroded by Technocrats: Director of Citizens for Free Speech

The increased censorship of people’s views expressed on social media by Big Tech companies has been part of an orchestrated attack on the First Amendment, Patrick Wood, director and founder of Citizens for Free Speech, told The Epoch Times. Wood believes that there is an agenda behind the censorship. It would be almost statistically impossible to attack simultaneously all five elements of the First Amendment: freedom of religion, free speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances, Wood said in an interview for Epoch Times’ “Crossroads.” All […]

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Divine Providence and Closed Doors

Divine Providence and Closed Doors by Pete Ketcham In previous editorials I had written about Divine providence as a term frequently used by the founding fathers in their writings and statements concerning the birth of our nation. A short definition of the term is: The belief that there is a God, and that He is concerned about this nation, and on occasions, directly intervenes in the affairs of this nation. This Divine intervention was demonstrated during the Revolutionary War, constitutional convention, and on many other occasions. It has also been shown that Divine intervention in our personal lives as well […]

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Condemning Idaho RINOs Little, Crapo & Risch

Condemning Idaho RINOs Little, Crapo & Risch by Shari Dovale Citizens across the country are getting quite fed up with their elected Representatives ignoring the will of the people for their own selfish personal benefits. The science-deniers that continue pushing their fairy tales of a dangerous Chinese Flu that has a 99.7+% recovery rate are leaders in various states that are feeling the wrath of their constituents. Idahoans are no different. We reported that the Region One Republicans recently passed a resolution outlining their disgust for the RINO-in-chief Brad Little, denying him any further political support and demanding his resignation. […]

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Hank Aaron Dies Two Weeks After Receiving Coronavirus Vaccine

Baseball legend Hank Aaron dies two weeks after receiving coronavirus vaccinate during publicity stunt by: Ethan Huff On Jan. 5, Major League Baseball (BLM) legend and Hall of Famer Henry Louis “Hank” Aaron publicly took a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine during a stunt aimed at persuading more African-Americans to get injected. A little more than two weeks later, Aaron died right on cue. The reason this writer says “on cue” is because there is now a clear and undeniable pattern of elderly people – Aaron was 86 years old when he died – passing away roughly two weeks after getting […]

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Over 78,000 Facebook, Instagram Users Removed for QAnon, ‘Militarization’ Policy Violations

Facebook removed more than 78,000 profiles on both Facebook and Instagram, saying they had posted QAnon content and content related to “militarized social movements” since August 2020. “We continue to strengthen our enforcement by identifying additional militarized social movements, new terms associated with QAnon and how people attempt to skirt our detection, including focusing more on Facebook profiles used to organize and promote these movements and groups on our platform,” Facebook said in an update on Jan. 19. The company added that “these groups are constantly working to avoid our enforcement and we’ll continue to study how they evolve in order […]

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Amazon Trying to Block Voting by Mail in Unionization Election – Double Standards?

Amazon is seeking to block mail-in votes in an upcoming unionization vote. Workers at a warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, are scheduled to vote soon on whether to unionize, with ballots being sent out on Feb. 8. The National Labor Relations Board said earlier this month that the vote would take place entirely by mail because of the COVID-19 pandemic. “A mail ballot election will enfranchise employees who cannot enter the voting location for health reasons or due to positive COVID tests,” the board said in its ruling. “In addition, a mail ballot election will protect the health and safety of […]

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Former Border Patrol Head: Biden Administration Made America Less Safe Within Hours

Former U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan accused the Biden administration of making the United States less safe within hours of being sworn in last week. “With the stroke of a pen, President Biden made this country less safe,” Morgan told Breitbart News on Jan. 23. “It’s pure politics over public safety.” “Look, I know what our team said to the transition team,” the former commissioner said, adding that he believes the administration did not speak to experts with the Border Patrol about what policies should remain. “I know the facts and data and analysis that was provided. […]

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Landlords bear financial burden of eviction moratoriums for renters

Eviction moratoriums have protected cash-strapped renters affected by the coronavirus pandemic for the past 10 months, but mom-and-pop landlords are finding themselves shouldering tremendous financial burdens. Landlord Mario Tafarella is owed more than $30,000 in rent from two of his Las Vegas rental properties in Desert Shores, and it’s money he never will receive. “Thirty grand — take it out of your bank account. Would it have a financial impact on you?” Tafarella said, referring to eviction moratoriums implemented by Gov. Steve Sisolak and the federal government. “It’s horrible what was done, and it should be illegal.” Shannon Conley, a […]

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Articles of Impeachment Filed Against Biden by GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Newly-elected Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Jan. 21 announced she has introduced articles of impeachment against the new president, Joe Biden. The articles of impeachment concern Biden’s alleged actions involving a “quid pro quo” deal in Ukraine and alleged abuse of power “by allowing his son, Hunter Biden, to siphon off cash from America’s greatest enemies Russia and China,” Greene’s office announced in a statement just a day after Biden was sworn in as the 46th U.S. president. The move comes less than a month into Greene’s first term in Congress. Democrats control both the House and Senate, so it is […]

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Communists Seize Power in America

Communists Seize Power in America   by John D. Guandolo Yesterday, the COMINTERN in conjunction with communists in America overtly seized power in America – the intentional outcome of their 100 year effort here. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were illegitimately installed as “President” and “Vice President” after losing the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. The massive ballot fraud, voting machine tampering, and hostile foreign interference in the election was ignored by republican leaders such as Mile Pence, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, and many others, thus allowing communists to seize power. Already, totalitarian leaders […]

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Trigger Warning with Special Guest Joanna Martin (Publius Huldah)

Trigger Warning with Special Guest Joanna Martin (Publius Huldah)   Read More of her opinions at Publius Huldah The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post […]

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FCC Warns Radio Operators and DC Turned Into Green Zone

Episode 21-02 FCC Warns Radio Operators and DC Turned Into Green Zone   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed […]

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Biden plan to help the economy will make things worse

The editorial in the morning paper gets right to the point in explaining the utterly illogical nature of President-elect Joe Biden’s economic “stimulus” plan: In addition to $1,400 payments to individuals, Mr. Biden’s plan includes federal money to supplement regular state unemployment payments and a $15 an hour federal minimum wage. Consider the bizarre logic of those last two proposals: Mr. Biden seeks to kneecap already struggling small businesses by raising mandated wage floors, thus outlawing certain jobs, while simultaneously creating disincentives for returning to the workforce. This is economic stimulus? In fact the Congressional Budget Office has said raising […]

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Trump’s 1776 Commission Calls for National Unity Around America’s Founding Values

President Donald Trump’s advisory 1776 Commission on Monday released a public report, fulfilling its task to revisit the nation’s founding history in an effort to reunite the Americans around its founders’ principles. Americans today are “deeply divided” about the meaning of their country, its history, and how it should be governed, according to the commission, which was created in the final year of Trump’s first term, amid an increasingly popular trend of portraying the American story as one that based on racism and oppression. “Neither America nor any other nation has perfectly lived up to the universal truths of equality, […]

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