Black Diamond Restaurant Needs You

Black Diamond Restaurant Needs You I am reaching out to try and help a local business that is being unfairly targeted by WA state Liquor Cannabis Board. The Black Diamond located in Spokane Valley WA chose to go against the governors ban on in-door dining. The LCB ‘voted’ to suspend their liquor license for 180 days. These owners are just trying to help their employees pay their bills. This is a great family run business. They have a large local support and following. The plan is to keep fighting this unconstitutional mandate. I know this will incur large legal fees […]

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ANTIFA Thugs Storm The US Capital

ANTIFA Thugs Storm The US Capital by Shari Dovale The certification of the Electoral college has caused discontent on many levels. It has been shown, repeatedly, and through overwhelming evidence, that the Presidential election was stolen from the American people. With the various avenues to correct this crime being denied to President Trump and his supporters, the certification was scheduled for January 6, 2021. The response from the Conservative majority in the country was to gather in Washington DC for what was known as the “Save America” Rally, also referred to as the #StopTheSteal Rally. Reports of up to a […]

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Stop the Steal

Stop the Steal A number of groups put together a “Stop the Steal” protest at the federal Senator’s offices in North Idaho on 05JAN2021. Former Washington State Representative Matt Shea spoke at the event among others. There were approximately 150 libertarian-leaning conservative Christians who attended. H/T Charles Carroll Society The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. […]

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Rev. Matt Shea Covenant Church, Jan. 3, 2021

Rev. Matt Shea Covenant Church, Jan. 3, 2021 Streamed live. The post Rev. Matt Shea Covenant Church, Jan. 3, 2021 appeared first on Redoubt News.

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Trigger Warning Round Table Discussion Shari Dovale and Caden Willaby

Trigger Warning Round Table Discussion Shari Dovale and Caden Willaby The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: The post Trigger Warning Round Table Discussion Shari Dovale and […]

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WATCH: 8 Ways the Constitution was Violated in Idaho

8 Ways the Constitution was Violated in Idaho in 2020   A Citizen’s Plea to the Idaho State Legislature by Diego Rodriguez The above video is an Idaho Citizen’s Plea to the Idaho State Legislators before they begin their legislative session on January 11th, 2021. This short, 9 minute long video outlines 8 very specific ways the rights of the people have been violated by the Idaho State Government. Transcript of the Video: On January 11th, you will convene in a brand new legislative session and I am praying to God Almighty for you and your responsibility as a legislator. […]

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Make America Godly Again!

Make America Godly Again! by Maureen Paterson This is not an easy path. Many of our Founding Fathers lost their fortunes and their lives. But not one of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence ever renounced. They realized that “We the People” means active involvement in the community. All citizens should consider taking their turn for a local office. Here are some of the boards that need the everyday citizens to step up and be involved: Library, Hospital, Fire and School. The Bonner County Republican Central Committee is a good source for information. Their website is: Another […]

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Concerning Indefinite Lockdowns…

Concerning Indefinite Lockdowns…   The Gov.’s proclamation for a continued State of Emergency has continued to exist since August 25, 2020 because not 1 of 105 legislators recognized the “opinion” provided by AG Wasden failed to include Art III, section 27(2), the legislatures constitutional authority to end the state of emergency. EVERY Representative and Senator can no longer hide from being without authority in the new session! When the legislative session resumes in Jan. 2021, everyday that the legislature fails to KILL the state of emergency, they are culpable for the prolonged unconstitutional acts of liberty and freedom deprivation as […]

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Idaho Citizens Pass Standards for Election Integrity

Idaho Citizens Committee for Election Integrity Passes Election Standards   On January 2nd a diverse, grassroots group of Idaho citizens met in the Lincoln Auditorium of the Idaho State Capitol and formed the Citizens Committee for Election Integrity with the mission of defining Minimum Standards for Fair and Honest Elections. The committee, with the support and input from the public, drafted and unanimously adopted fourteen standards. These common-sense standards shall be used by local, state and federal legislators to craft and amend election law that ensures honest elections. The Committee for Election Standards forwarded agreed-upon election standards to Idaho’s Congressional […]

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Aftermath Of Stolen Presidential Election

Aftermath Of Stolen Presidential Election by Pete Ketcham If the forthcoming unconstitutional inauguration takes place, Biden will have acquired (not won) the office of The President of The United States by a pre-planned  corrupt vote counting fraud. By virtue of this fact ( based on overwhelming evidence and testimony) Biden will be an impostor, with no legal constitutional authority to implement any national policy, or occupy the White House. Also, from his Vice President on down, none of his appointees have any constitutional authority to occupy positions of power in his fraudulent administration. If Biden is inaugurated, it will be […]

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Prepper Pizza

Prepper Pizza Basic Pizza Crust * 2 cups white flour (whole wheat can be used but the crust is a bit too heavy for a lot of people) * 1-2 tbsp yeast, the more you use the faster the rise generally * Enough water to form a soft dough * Salt to taste * 2 tbsp oil or fat Knead dough and let rise for a few hrs in a warm place. Near a wood stove or on top of a warm oven works well. Roll out pizza crust or shape in a greased pan. Allow 10-15 minutes then add […]

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Gov. Brad Little Extends Idaho Lockdown FOREVER

Gov. Brad Little Extends Idaho Lockdown FOREVER by Shari Dovale Gov. Brad Little has regularly extended his draconian lockdown orders for the people of Idaho. From the first lockdown ordered on March 13, 2020 to the latest, dated December 30, 2020, Brad Little has kept his knee on the neck of the people. Little and his cronies are at it again, telling the citizens what they can and cannot do, where they can go, who they can visit, how they can worship, and what they are allowed to celebrate. After multiple extensions over many months, it seems that Little has […]

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Why Do ‘We The People’ Need To Be Informed?

Why Do ‘We The People’ Need To Be Informed? By: Bruce R. Booker Throughout the recorded history of man, those who ruled over their people were not elected to that position by the people. They were kings or dictators placed there by war or by strength. In other words, the people were the subjects of rulers who were not placed there by the will or consent of the people. The United States of America, on the other hand, is a radically different social experiment from previous governments since the government is based upon the consent of the People and the […]

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They Have Been Unrelenting; So Shall We

They Have Been Unrelenting; So Shall We by TNT It should be clear to everyone that, Regardless of which “Party” is in charge, they will continue to: • Attack our Right to the Free Practice of Religion, through Mandates and Tax Codes • Poison the Minds of our Children Against their Families and their God, through Education and Media • Steal Our Property, through Taxation and Regulation • Invade Our Right to a Private Life, Free from Corporate or Government Surveillance • Undermine Our Right to Self Defense from All Threats, Including Them So, from this day forward. • I […]

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6-Person Team Briefed Hundreds of State Senators on Election Irregularities

A six-person team that included Rudy Giuliani and Peter Navarro on Saturday briefed hundreds of state lawmakers on evidence of election irregularities. The Zoom meeting included hundreds of legislators across Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Navarro, the White House director of trade and manufacturing policy, said during an appearance on Fox News. “These legislators, they’re hot, they’re angry, they want action,” Navarro said. “We gave them the receipts. We explained exactly how the Democrat Party, as a matter of strategy, stole this election from Donald J. Trump.” According to Got Freedom?, a nonprofit election integrity watchdog, the meeting included an address […]

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The Democrats Have Seceded From The USA

The Democrats Have Seceded From The USA by Shari Dovale “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity”. ~ Nelson Mandela There is no humanity in a society where people are confined by a denial of independence. I am not referring to correctional institutions, but the personal private homes of this country’s citizens. The formerly free Americans that have now been stripped of their humanity by those they have elected. The current “pandemic crisis” is just a tool. A means to the end. The goal for the globalists that are behind this act of sabotage of […]

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Pence Welcomes Efforts by Lawmakers to Object to Electoral College Votes on Jan. 6: Report

Vice President Mike Pence said he welcomes efforts by lawmakers to challenge Electoral College results in the upcoming congressional joint session on Jan. 6, when the votes are formally counted, according to a statement sent by his chief of staff to reporters. Vice President Chief of Staff Marc Short issued the statement on Saturday saying that Pence, who will be presiding over the Jan. 6 session as president of the senate, is open to considering planned objections by Republican House members and senators to Electoral College votes cast for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Short added that the vice president also welcomes […]

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Keep Your Propaganda To Yourself!

Keep Your Propaganda To Yourself!   *Editor’s Note: This was originally submitted to a local Print Propaganda outlet. They declined to publish. by Mike Franco I read with curiosity a story about Governor Little’s recent visit to Hayden. First, why not come further north? There’s two huge counties here. What is he afraid of.. Heather Scott? Anyway, in a strange Obama-like way, Little told folks during the visit that he ‘fundamentally believes’ in his DNA, and that he knows ‘.. what people expect.’ I guess we’re blessed with another prophet. And the Governor is delusional when he said that Idaho […]

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The Astonishing Psychological Cost of Lockdown

Despairing America: The Astonishing Psychological Cost of Lockdown by Sandy Szwarc Recently, a series of special health alerts and reports have come out warning of growing numbers of people and a country at the breaking point. Sadly, little of that information has reached the public.  American people are crying out for help and dying − not from a virus with an “infection fatality rate” of 0.15-0.2% across all age groups, and 0.03 to 0.04% in those under 70 years old. (This means, 99.96% of nearly everyone who gets the virus lives.) No, the desperation and distress are in response to […]

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Major General (Ret.) Paul Vallely Explains What Is Coming!

Major General (Ret.) Paul Vallely Explains What Is Coming!   ALERT: Please listen to this recent interview with Jack Decker and Major General (Ret.) Paul Vallely: This answers many questions especially on timing and what’s coming. #SAVETHEREPUBLIC Paul E. Vallely is a retired US Army Major General and senior military analyst for Fox News. He served in the Vietnam War and retired in 1993 as Deputy Commanding General, Pacific Command. In 2004, together with retired Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, Vallely co-authored the book Endgame: The Blueprint for Victory in the War on Terror. General Vallely currently serves as […]

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The Republican Party No Longer Possess What It Takes

The Republican Party No Longer Possess What It Takes by Pete Ketcham It has been apparent over the last twelve years that the Republican Party is losing ground, and no longer possesses what it takes to win in many of the political battle arenas. Even though they have possessed the Presidency and both houses at times,  in the long run they have become less and less effective. This fact is now being demonstrated as we see all the good Trump accomplished being washed down the drain by the Democrat’s illegal and unconstitutional removal of him from office by massive voter […]

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One Nation, Two People

One Nation, Two People  by Pete Ketcham Our constitution as intended by our founding fathers was never designed to operate under these present divisive conditions, but was designed to operate with a attitude of cooperation amongst one people. The division we are experiencing now began back in the 60’s with the “Baby Boomer” generation. It grew progressively to our present day nation of two people with Irreconcilable Differences, similar to the situation at the start of the Civil War. Many people refer to this division between the nation’s people as “conservative vs liberal”, “right vs left”, constitutionalist vs socialist”, and […]

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Power of Vice President to Count or Reject Electoral Votes Disputed

News Analysis At 1 p.m. local time on Jan. 6, members of Congress will gather in the chamber of the House of Representatives to observe the formal certification of Electoral College votes for president of the United States. While it’s usually a formality, nothing has been usual so far about this year’s election amid numerous allegations of voter fraud in key swing states. The situation is complicated by a lack of clarity on the legal and constitutional guardrails for the process. The joint session of Congress may well result in gridlock, in which a clear winner of the race isn’t […]

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Challenging the Pandemic Mandates in North Idaho

Challenging the Pandemic Mandates in North Idaho by John Poland As 2020 comes to a close, we celebrate the holidays and the end of a challenging year. Be ready for next year, as our state and local governments issue more shutdown orders and restrictions. It is happening everywhere, even in North Idaho, the core of the Redoubt. There are currently three different COVID mandates applicable to residents of North Idaho. These come from the following departments: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, signed by the Governor – Issued November 14, 2020. ◦ Limitations on public gatherings, physical distancing, face coverings […]

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