Expose Idaho’s Socialists Programs You Pay For

Expose Idaho’s Socialists Programs You Pay For By Wayne Hoffman How much support do you give to radical leftist organizations? I posed this question to a conservative friend the other day. He furrowed his brow and looked at me like I was crazy. He’d never willingly lend his support to socialists, he assured me. The key word in his answer is “willingly.” You might substitute “knowingly.” Because he “unknowingly” lends his support to socialist causes and organizations all the time. He has no choice, and neither do you. Idaho laws are written such that you’re an unwilling and unknowing participant […]

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Idaho School Lies to Parents About Transgenderism

Idaho School Lies to Parents About Transgenderism Idaho elementary school counselor tells 11-year-old girl she can be a “transsexual” – but doesn’t tell her family! Children are fed “gender” lies through the media, school programs, social media, children’s books and magazines, and programs like “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in libraries. And radicalized school counselors and staff have become a big part of the problem. They support children’s descent into these perversions and keep that information from parents. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho: from a Grandmother (Janice) and her daughter (Ashley) who has two daughters. One girl is in high school and […]

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Final 2020 Show: Single Segment, JJS and Lady Liberty

Episode 20-43 Final 2020 Show: Single Segment, JJS and Lady Liberty   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed by […]

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Calling Out the DEEP STATE RINO Governor Little

Calling Out the DEEP STATE RINO Governor Little The Idaho Republicans are not happy with their RINO (Republican In Name Only) Governor Brad Little. The Region One Republicans passed with Unanimous Consent a resolution denying any further political support for Little, demanding that he stop the State of Emergency, and even telling him that he needs to resign his office for malfeasance. They made it clear that Little violated State Law and caused irreparable harm to the people and businesses of Idaho. The resolution has been forwarded around the state to other Republican groups, as well as the Governor, the […]

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Yeah, Right, Just Another Extremist.

Yeah, right, just another extremist. by Gregory Noble FB asks, “What’s on your mind, Gregory?” As if FB is interested or could comprehend what is on my mind. In spite of the friendly FB query for which they care not other than possibly to know what I had for breakfast, I will tell you gentle reader what is on my mind. My mind is troubled by the fact that so many people, never mind the media or political elites, are seemingly okay with the plain view theft of our recent Presidential election, by a party which is openly, not even in […]

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U.S. Election Fraud – National Security Crisis

U.S. Election Fraud – National Security Crisis by John D. Guandolo In the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, America faces the culmination and natural outcome of a 100 year effort by the Communist Counter-State and a 60 year effort by the Islamic Counter-State. The response by America’s national security apparatus reveals America has a significant national security crisis that must be met with immediate action if the Republic is to survive. UTT has covered the massive penetration of our system by jihadis and communists for years and the U.S. government’s utter ignorance regarding these threats, including articles here, here, here, and […]

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Trump Urges Americans to ‘Stop the Theft of the Presidential Election’

President Donald Trump in a message to the nation late Tuesday sought to explain why he is determined to pursue all legal and constitutional avenues to “stop the theft of the presidential election,” and called on the American people to “raise their voices” and demand to correct the injustice. “Americans must be able to have complete faith in the confidence of their elections. The fate of our democracy depends upon it,” he said in a video statement. “Now is the time for the American people to raise their voices and demand that this injustice be immediately corrected. Our elections must be […]

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More Evidence! Biden Did Well Only Where Dominion Used

It looks like Biden outperformed only in counties that used Dominion, HART voting machines (Corruption.news) The farther we get from the November election, the more time data analysts and others have to examine the most unlikeliest of election victories — by Democrat Joe Biden. We know that President Donald Trump won 18 of the 19 historic bellwether counties — those that have regularly predicted the outcome of presidential contests. We know that Joe Biden did worse than Hillary Clinton in scores of cities around the country, only getting more votes in just a few Democratic stronghold cities where the party […]

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Lockdown Protest in Salem, Oregon

Lockdown Protest in Salem, Oregon by Shari Dovale The Oregon State legislature met again on Monday morning with the session again being closed to the public. After being ignored for so long, groups of people gathered at the capital to demand access to “The People’s House.” The protesters were frustrated at the third closed session by the legislature, with is a direct violation of the State Constitution. Article IV, Section 14 of the Oregon Constitution: Section 14. Deliberations to be open; rules to implement requirement. The deliberations of each house, of committees of each house or joint committees and of […]

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The Plot to Steal America!

The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: Paypal.me/RedoubtNews The post The Plot to Steal America! appeared first on Redoubt News.http://dlvr.it/Rp31BW

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God or the Great Reset — There Is No Middle Ground

God or the Great Reset — There Is No Middle Ground In a homily delivered on the first Sunday of Advent, Fr. Robert Altier warned his parishioners that the division in American politics presents Christians with a choice between good and evil. “So we need to understand as we sit here today that where we’re coming to, as much as they have caused — intentionally — this massive division in our country, this is not about Republican and Democrat. This is not about liberal and conservative. This is about good and evil. This is about Jesus and Satan, and every […]

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Young Partisan Contest Winners and America in Peril Analysis JJS and LL

Episode 20-41 Young Partisan Contest Winners and America in Peril Analysis JJS and LL   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or […]

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Trump – Do You Hear Me Running? by Justin Bellucci

Trump – Do You Hear Me Running? by Justin Bellucci The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here: Paypal.me/RedoubtNews The post Trump – Do You Hear Me Running? by […]

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What Are We Willing To Sacrifice?

What Are We Willing To Sacrifice? by Pastor Matt Shea My Dear and Fellow Patriots: Many of you have been asking what to do next. That’s the wrong question. The question is what are we willing to sacrifice because that will drive what we do next. Evil is raging right now because God is already on the move. It is not, and has never been, the other way around. Fear is not a virtue. In fact, the very idea of being afraid of anyone or anything is hateful to real Americans…and Christians. The voices of those with high sounding titles […]

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Masks & Lockdowns:  Totalitarian Tools of Oppression

Masks & Lockdowns:  Totalitarian Tools of Oppression by John D. Guandolo Democrat Austin (TX) Mayor Steve Adler imposes severe lockdown restrictions on the people of that city while he himself disobeys them and traveled to Mexico in November. Democrat Denver Mayor Michael Hancock told residents of Denver to stay at home over Thanksgiving, and minimize the number of people over to your home by having a “virtual” Thanksgiving. He then promptly got on an airplane to go visit relatives for the holiday. Other democrats like Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, New York […]

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A Government They Deserve

A Government They Deserve by John Zoltan Bohach, USMA ‘89 America’s Freedom was won on the battlefield. We didn’t vote for it on ballots, we voted for it with bullets. From Bunker Hill to Pork Chop Hill, the American soldier has carved his own history as defenders of freedom and champions of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. The American soldier sets the standard for courage, morals, and sacrifice by which others are judged. This standard is the pinnacle of human achievement, that I lay down my life so that my countrymen may live. It is second only to the […]

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Plan of Action Part 2 by Pete Ketcham

Plan of Action Part 2   by Pete Ketcham This editorial is a follow up on a previous editorial, discussing the formation of a coalition of Trump supporters. I had stated in that previous editorial that this conservative coalition (suggested name MAGA) should be a state centered organization, rather than a local county organization as the Tea Party was. As a county Tea Party leader I witnessed that we were a decentralized and somewhat disjointed coalition that lacked collective power to exert much influence with state and federal politicians. As I continue to ponder this coalition concept, I have come […]

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Make Your Own Condensed & Evaporated Milk

Make Your Own Condensed & Evaporated Milk Did you know you can easily make your own condensed milk? When I say easily, I mean really easily. The hardest part is the frequent stirring and waiting the process requires. But first, let’s clearly define what, exactly, condensed milk is. Condensed milk is sweetened, concentrated milk that has had roughly 60% of its water content removed. Evaporated milk is the same, except it is a pure milk product—no sugar or sweetener added. Why Condensed Milk? In terms of calories, condensed milk is an excellent item for preppers, survivalists, and anyone else who […]

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Must We Dig Ourselves Deeper By Obeying A Tyrant?

Must We Dig Ourselves Deeper By Obeying A Tyrant? “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”1 Editorial by Roger Whitten This virus scare has put us in a hole. The mainstream media has done an excellent job of inciting fear. Of course, their success is in large part due to the grand achievement of the government schools to squelch that dangerous mental process called “critical thinking.” If people, not you of course but those other people who actually believe what politicians tell them, analyzed the facts, as opposed to drawing conclusions from knee jerk emotional responses to subliminal […]

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It Is President Trump & Patriots Against Everyone Else

It Is President Trump & Patriots Against Everyone Else by John D. Guandolo Patriots are paying attention to what is transpiring today, and they realize they have been right all along. The democrat party is the advocate for our enemies. Democrat ranks contain communists and jihadis, and they give aid and comfort to enemies of America. While national democrat leadership is the leading edge of the communist Movement in America, neither communists nor jihadis would be as far along as they are if Establishment Republicans were not complicit either by commission or omission. Remember back several elections cycles to the […]

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The Forgotten Constitution

The Forgotten Constitution by John D. Guandolo To view the current U.S. Presidential Election as anything but the attempt by the Communist Counter-State to seize Executive Power in America is to miss the entire war. To merely focus on one piece of this “fraudulent election” – provisional ballot fraud, mail-in ballot fraud, the mathematical impossibilities, and all else – is to miss the strategic picture. Those in positions of authority who shrug and stand willing to throw in the towel fail to grasp their Constitutional duty to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution at all costs. Several years ago, a […]

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Corporate Propaganda & Indoctrination

Corporate Propaganda & Indoctrination by Karen Schumacher The World Economic Forum (WEF), through its corporate partnerships, has a plan to indoctrinate every citizen on its Great Reset agenda.  According to the WEF, we must all live sustainable lives, with equality in all aspects of life, and that as a result, life will be much better for all.  What isn’t mentioned is that it will be corporations, elitists, and most importantly technocrats who will be making the decisions on exactly how this utopian world will work.  Corporate propaganda and indoctrination have been prepping the common people on this for years, enough […]

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How Did Globalism Get Started?

How Did Globalism Get Started? by Boyd Evan White The third greatest truth of the Bible after Jehovah is God and Jesus faced death instead of accepting falsehood is the fall of the Tower of Babel where the tribes were scattered across the earth and their languages confused. This on the face of things seems extreme since the Bible was written in the middle east but it is 100% the condition of the globe and makes a person sit back in awe. Then we get to Alexander the Great who upon conquering Persia (Iran) supposedly said, “Nothing is left of […]

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Art Macomber Announces Potential Run for Idaho Attorney General

Art Macomber Announces Potential Run for Idaho Attorney General COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – December 11, 2020 – Longtime conservative attorney Art Macomber announced the formation of an exploratory committee to evaluate a campaign for the office of Idaho Attorney General.  Mr. Macomber is disappointed by the decision of the Attorney General’s office to not join the Texas v. Pennsylvania lawsuit filed December 8, 2020.  Mr. Macomber contends Idaho voters’ choices were diluted by pre-election actions in the four States being sued by Texas that violated the U.S. Constitution’s mandate that only State legislators determine rules for elections.  Mr. Macomber requested […]

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