Celebrating Thanksgiving in America

Celebrating Thanksgiving in America The tradition introduced by European Americans of Thanksgiving as a time to focus on God and His blessings dates back well over four centuries in America. For example, such thanksgivings occurred in 1541 at Palo Duro Canyon, Texas with Coronado and 1,500 of his men; 1 in 1564 at St. Augustine, Florida with French Huguenot (Protestant) colonists; 2 in 1598 at El Paso, Texas with Juan de Oñate and his expedition; 3 in 1607 at Cape Henry, Virginia with the landing of the Jamestown settlers; 4 in 1619 at Berkeley Plantation, Virginia; 5 (and many other […]

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Idaho Teachers Union Vows Not To Strike Again

Idaho teachers union vows not to strike again in response to parents’ lawsuit filed after mass “sick out”   BOISE, Idaho (Nov 23, 2020) — Idaho’s largest teachers union has vowed not to shut down schools again a month after waging an illegal strike that forced 40,000 kids to stay home unexpectedly. The union’s promise comes after a group of parents sued the teachers union for illegally shutting down schools by calling into work sick en masse. The parents sued the teachers union in October, claiming that the teacher “sick out” was an illegal strike and banned in Idaho. At […]

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Chris Brumble’s Trigger Warning with KrisAnne Hall and Rob Taylor

Chris Brumble’s Trigger Warning with Special Guest KrisAnne Hall and Rob Taylor   Reports from behind the Wire, defying the propaganda of the Marxist Curtain styling itself as social democracy. The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank […]

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The Battle is Now Joined

The Battle is Now Joined by John D. Guandolo The 2020 Presidential Election is THE KEY battle for the U.S. Communist Movement in their quest to bring down America’s Constitutional Republic. Remember, communists always operate along doctrinal lines, meaning they always do what they say they will do – destroy liberty and any system that supports it. The leading edge of the U.S. Communist Movement is the national democrat party leadership. The communists use their doctrine – The Communist Manifesto operationalized in Rules for Radicals.  They have a network, they are well financed, they have a strategy, and they have […]

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Preplanned Voter Fraud by Pete Ketcham

Preplanned Voter Fraud by Pete Ketcham This current election voter fraud dilemma is similar to a cross country race where each contestant has an individual course to run. One contestant has a course that the best time ever reported was one hour, yet he manages to run it in 40 minuets with no prior training. You instinctively know that he could not have done this without a ride, yet you have no witness to substantiate he cheated. That is where we seem to be in this current presidential election. We instinctively and logically know that there is no way Biden […]

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Sheriff Daryl Wheeler Addresses the Panhandle Health District’s Mask Mandate

Sheriff Daryl Wheeler Addresses the Panhandle Health District’s Mask Mandate The Bonner County Sheriff’s Office will not be enforcing the mask mandate passed by the Panhandle Regional Health District. When Bonner County Dispatch receives a complaint of a suspected violation of the mask mandate from a citizen, the complainant will be advised that the Sheriff’s Office will not be investigating or enforcing the mask mandate. Dispatch will close out the call and make a record of it. If the caller insists on speaking to a deputy, the deputy will call him/her back and state the same thing. The three Police […]

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Gov. Newsom Exempts the HollyWeird From Lockdown

Gov. Newsom Exempts the HollyWeird From Lockdown by Shari Dovale It was pretty bad when Gavin Newsom forgave himself for violating his own Covid 1984 restrictions, of which he has yet to say he will do for any of his royal subjects. The California governor tried to claim that he attended an outdoor birthday party with friends until photos outed the lie. Newsom attended a private dinner with lobbyists at the swanky French Laundry restaurant in the Napa Valley. EXCLUSIVE: We’ve obtained photos of Governor Gavin Newsom at the Napa dinner party he’s in hot water over. The photos call […]

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WATCH: Civil Disobedience In Buffalo New York

Civil Disobedience In Buffalo New York by Shari Dovale Watch out for Patriots that have actually read the Constitution! More than 100 business owners in Buffalo, New York gathered inside a local gym to discuss the current Orwellian restrictions being placed on them by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. An anonymous instigator called in a complaint that these good people were violating the Covid 19(84) lockdown orders. The response came from a visit by the Erie County Health Department and Sheriff Deputies. One man tried to spell out their frustration to the health dept. official by explaining that these protesters actually work […]

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Hyperinflation – an Innocuous Mathematical Equation

Hyperinflation – an Innocuous Mathematical Equation By Boyd Evan White People hear the word “hyperinflation” and assume it is a bad thing. However, it is just an innocuous mathematical equation and as such can also be equitably mitigated as long as all money is inflated at the same rate. The salient point about all modern occurrences of “hyperinflation” is that the money created is always claimed by the “State”. And that is bad. Economists claim there are two reasons to increase a money supply; an increase in population or products/services. Side note, in the past twenty years has there been […]

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Election Fraud Part 4: Georgia

Election Fraud Part 4: Georgia by Shari Dovale The problem with this election is very basic. Voters have to believe their vote matters, and that the vote is free, fair, and accurate. That is not the case in Georgia. The votes are in dispute, with the law being challenged, as well. Despite these questions, the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, certified the vote today anyway. Attorney Lin Wood, a Georgia resident, recently filed to have the vote certification halted while issues were adjudicated, yet U.S. District Court Judge Steven Grimberg ruled against him. Some of what Wood presented involved Raffensperger’s […]

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Election Fraud Part 3: Trump Legal Team

Election Fraud Part 3: Trump Legal Team by Shari Dovale The Trump Legal Team has been investigating voter fraud throughout the country during this presidential election cycle. They held a press conference on Thursday, Nov. 19th to let the American people know what they have found thus far. You can watch it here. Making note that affidavits are legally considered evidence in our judicial system, they spoke of hundreds, if not thousands, of affidavits submitted by election workers describing abuses in all of the swing states. The presser was led by Rudy Guiliani, Mayor of New York City during the […]

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Maga, Walkaway, and Stop the Steal in Washington DC

Maga, Walkaway, and Stop the Steal in Washington DC By Maggie Rose Arriving in Virginia at the Dulles International Airport, on Thursday evening on a half empty plane, was comforting after changing planes in SFO, but on this plane, were what appeared to be Antifa/BLM. We were both wearing our retired military caps and our 27 year old son, a Trump baseball cap. Obvious to all, were the dirty looks given by some on the plane as they walked by our assigned seats, wearing “Biden/Harris” masks, as they made their way to the back lavatories. As we disembarked the plane […]

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The Lust for Power and Prestige by Pete Ketcham

The Lust for Power and Prestige by Pete Ketcham For the last 27 years our nation has been suffering under the leadership of men and women who have abandoned all honesty, ethics, morals, and belief in God. This tragic decline of our nation was launched in1993 by two of the most degenerate politicians in our history…Bill & Hillary Clinton. From that point on, members of the Democrat party motivated by an insatiable lust for power and prestige started their decent into total corruption.with the result our constitutional form of government began to crumble piece by piece, year after year. One […]

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The Vote Was Manipulated By Human Intervention

The Vote Was Manipulated By Human Intervention Guest Editorial by John Bowman Many people were surprised and alarmed by the sudden stoppage of vote-counting in numerous jurisdictions. We sensed there was something unnatural about such an act. Since then, several relevant facts have come to light: 1) Unexplained vote spikes for Biden in areas where vote-counting stopped 2) Allegations that the software used for counting has a back-door whereby voting rates can be adjusted by a software algorithm designed to inject votes in a somewhat credible manner. 3) Some internet sleuths have discovered that the vote-counting-rate spiked during the “injections” […]

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Trigger Warning with Special Guest Trevor Loudon

Trigger Warning with Special Guest Trevor Loudon   Reports from behind the Wire, defying the propaganda of the Marxist Curtain styling itself as social democracy. The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of […]

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Never Quit, Never Surrender – The Battle for the American Republic

Never Quit, Never Surrender – The Battle for the American Republic Understanding the Threat’s Vice President John Bennett is a retired Marine First Sergeant and combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan. His specialty is counterintelligence. He served as a Deputy Sheriff in his native Oklahoma on the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force AND for 8 years as a State Representative in Oklahoma. John has never forgotten his Oath of Office and knows it has no expiration date. This powerful message about what is at stake right now in America should be heard by every American. Published 11/17/20. ************************ UTT is […]

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*MORE* Evidence of Voter Fraud: Michigan

MORE Evidence of Voter Fraud: Michigan by Shari Dovale We recently compiled a partial list of allegations of voter fraud. That list was in direct response to the Democrat claims that ‘voter fraud is a myth.’ To begin, the NY Post has reported that in Antrim County, Michigan, Dominion Voting Systems equipment is being used to count votes. Michigan GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox maintains that thousands of votes that went to Joe Biden should have gone to President Trump. Cox said at a press conference that “in Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing […]

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Election Took Place Under a Trump-declared “National Emergency”

Election Took Place Under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for the “unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure” by: Mike Adams (Natural News) We have another major bombshell for you here, regarding the 2020 election. Despite the intense, malicious censorship of Big Tech, we’re really becoming known for in-depth analysis and research of current events, so thank you for your support as we continue to fight for the very survival of America, our constitutional republic. This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into […]

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Communist VS Covid Comparisons and Preparing for War Pt2

Episode 20-38 Communist VS Covid Comparisons and Preparing for War Pt2   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed by […]

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Here Is Your Evidence! IN YOUR FACE!

Here Is Your Evidence! IN YOUR FACE! by Shari Dovale While the Propagandist Media continues to hope for a Biden victory, they cannot hide the truth that voter fraud is prevalent. They, along with Big Tech and other Socialists, however, repeat the claim there is no proof and voter fraud is a myth. The Democrats crying that there is no evidence of voter fraud does not make it true. They only scream about it being a myth when it fits their narrative. Let’s begin by getting this into perspective. Here are but three examples of the Democrats screaming about losing […]

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Miscellaneous History of Money

Miscellaneous History of Money by Boyd Evan White It is common to hear people refer to Federal Reserve Notes, Greenbacks, and paper money as, “That darned worthless stuff.” That is all well and good; however, even if gold or silver were to be the monetary system there are many points that never get discussed. Important things. Here is a non-comprehensive miscellaneous history of money to highlight some of those important topics. There are stone tables from 1100 B.C. where one King was complaining to another about the diluted content of a gold payment he received. Money can be about anything, […]

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Liberal Governors Election Responses: Covid 1984

Liberal Governors Election Responses: Covid 1984 by Shari Dovale To make their point that they are all-in for the Biden/Harris administration, Liberal Governors throughout the country are setting their states and counties BACKWARDS on their Covid 1984 restrictions. Though it has not been certified, and with many legal challenges pending, these Socialist governors are tired of waiting for election results, they are playing the hand that the propaganda media dealt for them. Placing their knees on the necks of their citizens, liberal governors throughout the country – from both parties – are clamping down in preparation for the upcoming holidays, […]

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WHAT HAPPENED? I Expected Trump to Win.

WHAT HAPPENED? I Expected Trump to Win. by Pete Ketcham I personally expected Trump to win the presidential election in a landslide, and was somewhat shocked at the extent Biden won. I had expected some fraudulent voting and vote counting by the Democrats, but still did not expect a Biden win. What has now become evident is that this presidential race was not primarily between Biden and Trump, but was the culmination of a four year war of hate against Trump by the Democrat media, assisted by the community of higher education (academia). The media, composed of ABC, CBS, CNN, […]

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Trigger Warning with Special Guest John Guandolo

Chris Brumble’s Trigger Warning With Special Guest John Guandolo Reports from behind the Wire, defying the propaganda of the Marxist Curtain styling itself as social democracy.   Also here is one of John Guandolo’s latest articles: Voter Fraud is One More Battle in the War for Liberty The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is […]

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