Sage Dixon Has Earned Your Vote

Sage Dixon Has Earned Your Vote Spreading disinformation about your opponent is the tool of someone with no argument. And that’s what the supporters of Rep. Dixon’s general election opponent—who’s launched a write-in campaign based solely on half-truths and rumors—are doing by misrepresenting his stellar record. Why would they misrepresent his record? Here’s why: Most of his policy positions are nearly identical to those of Dixon’s. So rather than run on his own positions, Dixon’s write-in opponent is spreading untruths on everything from Dixon’s position on vaccinations to his donor list: for starters, they say he’s pro-vaccination, and beholden to […]

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You Must Elect Him Before You Can Know His Answer

You Must Elect Him Before You Can Know His Answer by Shari Dovale Voters Do Not Deserve to know how Candidate Joe Biden stands on the issue of packing the Supreme Court, as he said on camera. Biden has said voters will know his position the day after Election Day.  Running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., has also dodged the question This smacks too much of the Pelosi ObamaCare mantra, “You have to pass it to know what’s in it.” Even the Main Stream Press are going nuts over this one: New York Post: ‘Shut up, man!’ Biden refuses to […]

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FEC Complaint Against Facebook Alleges Election Interference

FEC Complaint Against Facebook Alleges Election Interference by Shari Dovale Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Journalist John Crump have filed an FEC complaint against Facebook, AFP, and the Biden/Harris campaign. The Complaint alleges foreign election interference and multiple violations of campaign finance law. Mark Zuckerberg testified to Congress in 2018 concerning the Cambridge Analytica data scandal and said, “This is a massive focus for us to make sure we’re dialed in for not only the 2018 elections in the U.S., but the Indian elections, the Brazilian elections, and a number of other elections that are going on this year […]

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“I Began Now to Turn My Thoughts a Little to Public Affairs…”

“I Began Now to Turn My Thoughts a Little to Public Affairs…” Editorial by Boyd Evan White There is a topic in a segment of the Patriot community, the Committee of Safety and Militia, that deserves careful discussion. That being, should Law Enforcement Officers be allowed to join? The general opinion is that they should not. However, these are serious times and the topic deserves full, open and honest public discussion. Defensively, if there were no police, who would be the CoS and Militia? Without guessing percentages or projecting motives, people who are in Law Enforcement do have an above […]

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Like Islam, Deception at the Heart of Democrat/Communist Efforts

Like Islam, Deception at the Heart of Democrat/Communist Efforts “The lie is the eternal soul of communism.” ~Polish Philosopher Leszek Kolakowski by John D. Guandolo Kamala Harris flat out lied last night in the Vice Presidential Debate saying, “And this is about a pattern of Donald Trump’s where he has referred to our men who are serving in our military as suckers and losers.” This lie, perpetrated by the Atlantic magazine, has been disproven, and there is no evidence whatsoever Mr. Trump uttered these words. Joe Biden has spent nearly five decades in public life lying so frequently it is […]

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They Said “Never Forget” – Until They Forgot

They Said “Never Forget” – Until They Forgot by Shari Dovale On September 11, 2001, 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Almost 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The world stood still as we all watched the twin towers fall. […]

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Trigger Warning – Taking Fire at the MAGA Drag the Interstate Rally

Trigger Warning Taking Fire at the MAGA Drag the Interstate Rally And the Good Samaritan actions of Misty Fox!   See Photos on Lars Larson. Below is the message included with the photos: “My wife, one of our three daughters, my 2 year old son, and I participated in the nationwide “MAGA Drag the Interstate” rally to Olympia on Saturday. We met up in Vancouver, then met another group that organized in Chehalis, which then we joined eastern WA and northern WA and drove around the capital in Olympia. It was awesome, invigorating, energizing, proudful, etc.. We had a bottle […]

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Netflix Indicted in Texas over ‘Cuties’ film

  Netflix Indicted in Texas over ‘Cuties’ film by Shari Dovale The backlash continues over the sexualization of young girls by Netflix in the promotion of the French film “Cuties”. A grand jury in Tyler County, Texas has indicted the company over the film, charging that they did “knowingly promote visual material which depicts the lewd exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of a clothed or partially clothed child who was younger than 18 years of age at the time the visual material was created, which appeals to the prurient interest in sex, and has no serious, literary, artistic, […]

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Little Misses Opportunity To Defend Religious Freedom

Little Misses Opportunity To Defend Religious Freedom   By Wayne Hoffman Gov. Brad Little was handed a major opportunity last week to defend religious liberty in his own state, but he punted. After three people were arrested for singing church hymns in a Moscow, Idaho, parking lot, Little’s office issued what had to be the weakest possible statement imaginable, designed not in defense of the poor worshipers who now find themselves facing fines and jail time, but in support and defense of the governor and his handling of the coronavirus. The statement , “Governor Little has worked closely with religious […]

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Dan Rose: Unprecedented and Unprincipled Times

Dan Rose: Unprecedented and Unprincipled Times Hello, my name is Dan Rose and I am running as a write-in candidate for the position of Idaho State Representative for Legislative District 1B currently occupied by Sage Dixon. Unprecedented and unprincipled times require a courageous representation by a vetted constitutional conservative republican. A [x] write-in “Dan Rose” campaign is that option. * At the March filing deadline for State Representative, incumbent Dixon’s position on COVID19 was not yet known, nor were his outsized $26K campaign contributions, that included pharmaceuticals and House leadership. Very few of the contributors were the citizens worried about […]

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Write-In Candidate Dan Rose is the Conservative Choice

Write-In Candidate Dan Rose is the Conservative Choice In this election, much is at stake in our state where relentless shutdown edicts wreaked havoc on the economy and our liberty. We counted on our elected officials, from the Governor on down, to look out for our interests and wellbeing, and I am among the many who were disappointed. In District 1, Representative Dixon’s actions in particular were an eye opener. Despite his constituents’ demands to push for an end to the shutdown, he stuck with the Governor. Then he declined to participate in the June 23 meeting of liberty-minded legislators […]

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Sage Dixon Deserves Re-Election

Sage Dixon Deserves Re-Election Honest, hard-working, and dedicated elected representatives are few and far between. When one comes along who champions freedom and small, limited government, that’s a representative who deserves support. And that’s exactly how anyone who knows him describes Rep. Sage Dixon. During his time in office, Dixon has stood firmly in protecting our first and second amendment rights, fought to lower taxes, promoted personal responsibility, worked to secure school funding for local districts, unwaveringly championed the right to life of the unborn, and stood up in defense of our republican form of government as it’s come under […]

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Breaking Ground For Tourist Museum

Taxpayers Committed To New Museum By Tim Ravndal Over the past multiple Montana legislative sessions there has been multiple attempts to fund a new Montana Museum in Helena Montana.  That effort was led by former First Lady of Montana Betty Babcock.  She worked through multiple sessions personally to secure taxpayer funding to build an expansive new museum. The 59th Montana Legislature (2005) passed House Bill 5, which granted $30 million in authority to seek private donations, and House Bill 540, which authorized $7.5 million in general obligation bonds, for the Montana Historical Society building project. Since that time, nearly $6 […]

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Salmon Recovery by Ronald M. Harriman

Salmon Recovery Why Removing the Dams Should be Prevented by Ronald M. Harriman It’s time to drop the myths, pseudo-scientific suppositions, and incomplete studies that have prevented effectively solving Salmon passage from the ocean to the spawning grounds. The dams are in place and the culture of the Northwest has developed around them. Without hydro-power and irrigation water from dams agricultural and development of Southern Idaho would be limited including the Treasure Valley. It’s been 60 years and $17Billion wasted paying experts and attorneys with negative results. This debacle is a matter of reliance on and failure to research previous […]

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HJR 4–YES OR NO? Guest Editorial by Karey Hanks Our November ballots will include the following question: Shall Section 2, Article III of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to require that the Senate shall consist of thirty-five members; and shall Section 4, Article III, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho be amended to require that the Legislature shall be apportioned to thirty-five districts? When making your decision, here are some points to consider: Passage of HJR 4 would LIMIT legislative districts (LDs) to thirty-five. With the Idaho population growing, especially in urban areas, will […]

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Dixon Deserves Your Vote

Rep. Sage Dixon Deserves Your Vote Do you want a representative who respects and considers the opinions of his constituents? Do you want a representative who is well-respected by his colleagues and who does his job effectively and without any fanfare? And do you want a representative who stands firmly in support of our constitution and our rights? If your answer to those questions is yes, then you already have a representative that fits that bill: Rep. Sage Dixon. As your District 1-B representative, Rep. Dixon has never wavered in his defense of our constitution, our unalienable rights to free […]

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Trigger Warning, Chris Brumbles With Rep. Mike Nearman

Trigger Warning, Chris Brumbles With Rep. Mike Nearman Northwest Observer   The post Trigger Warning, Chris Brumbles With Rep. Mike Nearman appeared first on Redoubt News.

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Has Joe Biden Converted to Islam?

Has Joe Biden Converted to Islam? by Shari Dovale Has the former Vice President, Joe Biden, converted to Islam? Joe Biden has always alleged that his faith is Catholicism, yet recently he has been pushing Islam onto the people of this country. The Democratic candidate for President of the United States recently spoke at a HAMAS/EMGAGE conference and told the audience that he wants to see more Islam taught in U.S. schools. Joe Biden also tells them that Islam is a great “Confessional Faith” and that Muslim Votes Matter. He has certainly jumped into their beliefs with both feet, hasn’t […]

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I Was Convicted Of Felonies After Antifa Attacked Me

I Was Convicted Of Felonies After Antifa Attacked Me by Michael Strickland Before Michael Forest Reinoehl shot Aaron Danielson. Before Kyle Rittenhouse. Before Marquise Love punted Adam Haner’s head into the ground. Before the McCloskeys. Before Jake Gardner in Omaha. Before the Albuquerque guy shot people shouting they were going to kill him. Before Andy Ngo was attacked. Before Joey Gibson and Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. Before riots were commonplace in Portland. Before everyone and their mother were accused of being white supremacists. Before “antifa” was a household term. Before Trump was even the nominee for President. There […]

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Constitutional Abuse by Pete Ketcham

Constitutional Abuse by Pete Ketcham John Adams, one of our founding fathers, co-author of the constitution, and second president of the united states made a remarkable prophetic statement in October 1798, it is as follows; “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.” It should be noted that this statement was made […]

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Sage Dixon is a Statesman, Not a Politician

Sage Dixon is a Statesman, Not a Politician There are those who enter office not to keep the promises they make their constituents in order to get elected, but to gain power and prestige and the various perks that come along with it. You know the ones; they’re all over D.C. pretending to care about us every election cycle. And then there are true public servants who honor the commitments they make during election season, and respect their constituents whom they regard as their employers. Sage Dixon is one such statesman. You won’t see Rep. Dixon all over social media […]

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Christians Standing Strong in Moscow Idaho

Christians Standing Strong in Moscow Idaho by Shari Dovale The City Council in Moscow, Idaho has extended their mandatory mask order for a community that has had no deaths and no hospitalizations from Covid 19(84). The order is now in effect through January 6, 2021. There are many good people that disagree with the Council. This is normally allowed and accepted. This country allows for civil disagreement, and for peaceful protests. When Antifa and the Black Lives Matter Marxists came to Latah County, the police allowed them to protest as long as they were peaceful, as it should be. They […]

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Kate Brown Panics Over Conservative Rally in Portland

Kate Brown Panics Over Conservative Rally in Portland by Shari Dovale Portland, Oregon is a mess of anarchy, and their Governor Kate Brown seems to like it that way. She only seems to get upset when conservatives are involved. For well over 100 days, Antifa and Black Lives Matter Marxists have controlled the city of Portland, looting, rioting and destroying the city. Burning buildings, murdering an innocent bystander and attacking travelers are but a small portion of what Mayor Ted Wheeler called nightly violence. From Conservapedia: Portland has been the hotbed of subversive Anti-American communist and anti-Trump activity since 2017. […]

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Patriot Radio – Rep. Matt Shea with Dr. Jerome Corsi

Patriot Radio – Rep. Matt Shea Dr. Jerome Corsi   PATRIOT RADIO LIVE… Posted by Matthew Shea on Thursday, September 24, 2020     The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our stories to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your […]

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