Patriots vs Communists and Personal Protective Gear – Fire and Lasers

Episode 20-28 Patriots vs Communists and Personal Protective Gear – Fire and Lasers   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions […]

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Are We Being Played As Fools With This Virus?

Are We Being Played As Fools With This Virus? by Karen Schumacher It is really laughable.  The United Nations (UN) has successfully discovered something more ominous to frighten us than the demise of the world through environmental degradation.  When was the last time as much emphasis was placed on our environment being destroyed?  That there are threats to our water security?  Or that wildlife is dying right and left because we humans are robbing them of their wilderness to roam freely? Nope, their new scam, a virus, has exceeded any hopes they had in using the environment to achieve their […]

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Threatened With Eviction For NOT Wearing a Mask

Threatened With Eviction For NOT Wearing a Mask By Tim Ravndal In Missoula Montana where socialism has a stronghold there seems to be no limits on the usurpation power to control the citizens.  With Covid-19 causing turmoil across America a man and his wife, attempting to live, in peace have been challenged by the housing authority where they live. Sam and his wife Amy Leal live in what is known as the Mullan Reserve Apartment complex. The complex is managed by Roundhouse Management LLC.   On July 30th the Leals found their lives turned upside down. A privacy fence that […]

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4GW – Fourth Generation Warfare and the Militia Movement

4GW – Fourth Generation Warfare and the Militia Movement by Sam Jacobs When one discusses the real reason for the Second Amendment – the right of citizens to defend themselves against a potentially tyrannical government – inevitably someone points out the stark difference in firepower between a guerilla uprising in the United States and the United States government itself. This is not a trivial observation. The U.S. government spends more on the military than the governments of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, France, United Kingdom, and Japan combined. Plus, the potential of a tyrannical government is arguably upon us – […]

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Here We Go Again!! by Chris Brumbles

Here We Go Again!! There has been an all-out attack on our Constitution for many years now by mostly the Far Left Radicals that are controlling the Democrat Party, but Republicans are not immune to usurpation either. We find ourselves in the position we are in now, on the cusp of civil war, because our elected employees have strayed so far from the delegated powers that we loaned them. Butt crack Insane Obozo was elected contrary to the rules concerning eligibility for becoming President. Our Constitution requires that to be eligible for President, you must be a Natural Born Citizen, […]

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Cover Your Assets – Gov. Little’s Immunity Plea

Cover Your Assets – Gov. Little’s Immunity Plea by Rep. Karey Hanks As the COVID pandemic and Governor Little’s overreaction have persisted for 5 months now, citizens are voicing a need for the legislature to be involved. They want to address Governor Little’s “emergency” orders. It finally appears the Governor is willing to involve the legislature in these crucial life-or-death and prosper-or-perish decisions. Not so fast! Instead, legislators will be limited to only the subjects the Governor wants them to consider. The Governor has signaled an extraordinary session will only be held to mitigate the governor’s and others’ liability for […]

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Governor Overreach and Roman Tactics Lessons

Episode 20-27 Governor Overreach and Roman Tactics Lessons   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and […]

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Become A Self-Reliant American, Part 1

Become A Self-Reliant American, Part 1 What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, from essay entitled “Self-Reliance” by Shari Dovale Self-reliance is all about the confidence you have in your ability to provide for yourself and your loved ones. This includes several aspects, such as thinking independently, and reaching goals that you have set for yourself. To be dependent on others means to run the risk of help not always being available. With the current political climate, there is a need more than ever to be self-sufficient. There are […]

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Antifa – Who are they?

Antifa – Who are they? By: Maureen Paterson They are few compared to us. Who are they? Antifa is an extremist neo-Marxist Communist-anarchist movement1 whose aim is to overthrow the US government. The term “Antifa” is meant to pull the wool over your eyes. Although they claim to be anti-fascists, in reality they are fascism personified. Black Lives Matter (BLM) are their comrades that advocate the overthrow of the capitalistic system. Media is helping these organizations which are seeking to control us. They lay out racial discussions as a façade to keep our eyes on “compassion” and “equality”. They create […]

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Trigger Warning – Guest Shari Dovale

Trigger Warning With Chris Brumbles Reporting from behind the wire on the ‘Left Coast’ this is Chris Brumbles with Special Guest Shari Dovale.   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage of your […]

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Evil, Cunning, and Ruthless – by Pete Ketcham

Evil, Cunning, and Ruthless by Pete Ketcham Introduction In a previous editorial I had stated the Democrats had adopted an agenda that was completely illogical, bordering on crazy, but it should be noted that in the execution of their agenda they have become evil, cunning, and ruthless. Coupled with their all consuming hatred for Trump and his supporters, they have become a toxic and dangerous group of people, capable of destroying our historical and constitutional nation. Unfortunately Trump and the Republicans at times seem to underestimate the Democrat’s ability and dedication to destroy their opposition. Every move the Democrats make […]

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Idahoans: Act Today To Oppose Covid-19 Immunity Legislation

Idahoans: Act Today To Oppose Covid-19 Immunity Legislation By Wayne Hoffman Idahoans should promptly tell lawmakers and Gov. Brad Little to reject a civil liability proposal that is expected to become the centerpiece of a special legislative session planned for the week of Aug. 24. The proposal would basically allow the government to do whatever it wants in the event of a disaster or emergency declared by the governor. Public servants would have virtual carte blanche for their actions, without fear of legal reprisal. Equally alarming, the proposal says businesses and private individuals would be blessed with immunity from civil […]

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Sandpoint’s Activist Mayor Should Do His Job or Step Down

Sandpoint’s Activist Mayor Should Do His Job or Step Down I am weary of Sandpoint’s activist Mayor, Shelby Rognstad, using his office as a self-righteous bully pulpit. Rognstad’s multiple, sanctimonious proclamations have been nothing but divisive. His latest, in a city-approved proclamation—an alignment with the Love Lives Here movement—is inappropriate.  Love Lives Here sounds good on paper, but when you take the time to examine the words and actions of those involved with the organization, you’ll see that the Love Lives Here crew is filled with the intolerant and hate-filled. Further, Shelby’s constant ranting about gun-toting, racist “vigilantes” in our area is […]

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Trigger Warning

Trigger Warning Inaugural Episode Trigger Warning With Chris Brumbles, from the ‘behind the wire’ district of Oregon. Special guest on this episode is Rob Taylor!   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you.Please support our coverage […]

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Masking The Truth Thru Rolling Emergency Orders

Masking The Truth Thru Rolling Emergency Orders Governor Little wants PRE-VOTED & PASSED language in hand before he will issue a proclamation. by Rep. Heather Scott Governor Brad Little announced yesterday that he will call the Idaho Legislature into a special session the week of August 24.  Here is the timeline he shared with legislators (quoted): * August 14 All approved RS language that has been voted out of each working group by a majority of House and Senate members are due to the Pro-Tem and Speaker. * August 17 Approved RS language that has been voted out of each working group […]

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Bundy Dismissal is Upheld By Ninth Circuit

Bundy Dismissal is Upheld By Ninth Circuit by Shari Dovale The Bunkerville Protest Defense has tallied up another win! When the government attempted to prosecute 19 men for their roles in the Bunkerville Protest in 2014, they were desperate. They had invested millions of dollars in the operation to impound Bundy’s cattle, and millions more in the prosecution of everyone they could round up. Judge Gloria Navarro had shown that she was all in for the prosecution, ruling time and again against the defense. She did not allow the defendants to present much in the way of evidence, did not […]

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Todd Engel Conviction is Vacated

Todd Engel Conviction is Vacated by Shari Dovale The conviction of Todd Engel has been vacated by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. They have remanded Engel back to Nevada for a new trial, or to be released. This case is very complicated, but it is extremely important and everyone should be aware of the background and further ramifications. Todd Engel is from Idaho. He was one of thousands of people that watched the apparent atrocities being committed against the people by the government, via social media videos of the Bundy Ranch vs. the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The […]

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Senator James Risch, Telephone Townhall

Senator James Risch, Telephone Townhall by Shari Dovale *Senator Risch is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Sen. James Risch (R-ID) conducted a telephone townhall on August 4, 2020, calling various residents of the State of Idaho. Sen. Risch was in the middle of his opening statement when we were finally connected, and he went to questions from the audience shortly after. It was clear that the questions were being cherry-picked, as the narrator stated that people would be connected to a staff member to state their question, and then the questions would be ‘selected’ from that list. […]

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Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories

Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories by Shari Dovale Conspiracy theories have flooded the world since, well… likely since the world began, and certainly since politics began. It is not limited to the Left or Right, as they all partake of this unconfirmed-propaganda tool. Those controlling the narrative refer to the current dissension as conspiracy theories, or ‘tin foil hat wearing nut jobs’. The Liberal Left are as prone to conspiracy as the Conservative Right. Whatever does not fit their agenda might be included in the rhetoric of “Conspiracy”. It is no surprise that the Coronavirus has spurred the current intrigue from both […]

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Communist Party Endorses Joe Biden

Communist Party Endorses Joe Biden by Shari Dovale The Democrats have officially gained the endorsement of the Communists. On the website for the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, leader Bob Avakian wrote a lengthy letter to his followers urging them to vote for Democrat Joe Biden, claiming it is an “urgent need to drive out the fascist Trump/Pence regime.” It is no surprise that these Far-Left extremists have been hailed by the Communists, as they have already garnered the endorsements of other Left-wing radicals like the baby-killing group of Planned Parenthood, the Communist sympathizer (Hanoi) Jane Fonda, militant Muslim and Minnesota […]

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The Coronavirus Pandemic is the Dominating Issue

The Coronavirus Pandemic is the Dominating Issue   By: Congressman Russ Fulcher The Coronavirus pandemic has been the dominating issue in our country for months now, and with the recent debate surrounding subjects such as unemployment and schools re-opening, it’s important to evaluate the steps the President and his administration have taken to ensure America will get through these challenging times. To do that, we must look past partisanship and focus on the science of the problem, our accomplishments thus far, and how we continue forward. With the goal of developing vaccines in a record time and delivering 300 million […]

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Easiest Way to “Love Your Brother” is to Vote THIS WEEK

The Political Church with Lady Liberty: Episode 10:Easiest Way to “Love Your Brother” is to Vote THIS WEEK   “The Political Church with Lady Liberty” is the call to God’s Christian Church to walk their faith where the battle is being waged right now= politics and American Government! Now more than ever in American History, the church needs to engage and fight to keep God in America and in our political and governmental institutions, as the goal of our communist enemies is “To dethrone God and destroy Capitalism”. The two greatest Commandments are to Love God and to love your […]

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Moving Toward A Turbulent Election

Moving Toward A Turbulent Election by Pete Ketcham Last month in my editorial, I had written the following concerning the results of the forthcoming election: “The riots and violence we are presently seeing indicates a possibility that increased violence could proceed from the results of the coming November presidential election. In all probability, regardless of who wins this coming presidential election, the losing side will not accept the results, and will accuse the winner of voter fraud. “ Since then President Trump lit a fuse of speculation last week when he stated that he considers mail in ballet voting to […]

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Lawsuit Filed Against Mask Mandate

Lawsuit Filed Against Mask Mandate by Shari Dovale On July 23, 2020, the Panhandle Health Board passed an Order mandating Face Coverings to be worn on people throughout Kootenai County, Idaho. Questions were immediately raised throughout the state as to the legality of this mandate. Paul Herndon, of Pleasant Meadow Creamery, decided that these questions were too important to let pass. On Friday, July 31st, Herndon and two other businessmen, Angelo Brunson and Daniel Schnatter, through their attorney Colton Boyles, filed suit against the PANHANDLE HEALTH DISTRICT and each of the Board members individually. The lawsuit alleges that there were […]

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