Thomas Mitchell: Time to release Bunkerville defendants on bail?

Whether you think the defendants in the Bunkerville standoff are a bunch of lunatic, dangerous gun-nuts who should be locked up and the key thrown away or upstanding patriots defending property and constitutional rights in the face of belligerent bureaucrats, it matters not what you think.
What matters is what jurors think.

So far jurors seem less than enthusiastic about embracing the pile of charges heaped on the first of the standoff defendants.

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REPORT: Sen. Harry Reid tied to corruption case

The corruption trial of U.S. Senator Robert Menendez — allegedly bribed by wealthy friend and campaign donor Salomon Melgen for governmental favors — may begin next week, and it’s already causing friction now that then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is shown to have played a part in helping Menendez to “amplify the pressure” on the Obama administration, the Justice Department said on Thursday.

A report in Bloomberg detailed the story, in which Menendez (D-N.J.) “enlisted” Reid in November 2011 to help pressure the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, known as CMS, to reverse its ruling that Melgen owed $8.9 million for overbilling Medicare. Melgen is a Florida eye doctor and close friend of Menendez’. Melgen is accused of bribing the senator with hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions and lavish trips in exchange for his help on government disputes.

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Schaeffer Cox Not Guilty of Solicitation!

In a stunning ruling by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, Schaeffer Cox’s conviction on “solicitation to murder a federal official” has been overturned. Citing someone close to the case, the 9th Circuit found, “that it is clear that no rational trier of fact could find Defendant guilty of solicitation to murder a federal official.”

Furthermore, the 9th vacated Cox’s sentences on all counts of his conviction, and remanded it back to the District Court where new sentencing must be ordered.

If the District Court was interested in justice, it would sentence Schaeffer Cox to time served. Please let your voices be heard at the United States District Court of Alaska in Anchorage by calling 1-866-243-3814 or by writing Chief Judge Burgess at [email protected].

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Battling the Shadow Govt- Bundy Ranch Defendant Eric Parker

Truth Be Told’s Dean Ryan interviews Eric Parker, one of the 19 Defendants of the Bundy Ranch Trial. He speaks with us at length about the heavy hand and dirty tricks of the shadow Government. / iHeart / iTunes / UBNradio @TheRealDeanRyan

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Gary Hunt: Burns Chronicles No 59 Ryan Bundy Holds the Key

On January 26, 2016, several people, in two private vehicles were on their way to a scheduled meeting John Day, Oregon.  While in a forested area, with extremely poor, if not non-existent, cell phone coverage, they were set upon by modern day highwaymen (highwaymen were people who stopped travelers and robbed them).  The driver and passengers of the second vehicle submitted to the demands of the heavily armed interlopers, at gunpoint, to leave the vehicle and sit on the side of the snow-covered roadway.

The driver second vehicle, a white pick-up truck, following the exit of one of the passengers, sped away, seeking the assistance of a peace officer, Sheriff Glenn Palmer, of Grant County, Oregon.  However, within a couple of miles they found that the highwaymen had set up a barricade across the road, barring passage.  The highwaymen, hidden behind their vehicles, began firing shots at the white truck.  This forced the truck off the road, where some rather adept driving may have saved one of the highwaymen’s life, by swerving, at the last moment.

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VIDEO: Anti-Marxism group plans to block Golden Gate Bridge Wednesday morning

The group called “Conservative Rustles” is calling for demonstrators to meet in San Francisco at 9 a.m. and march along the bridge.

“We will not let traffic pass until the city of San Francisco agrees that ‘Antifa’ is a terrorist organization,” the event’s description says.

The event even asks participants to bring their children saying “Antifa wouldn’t dare hurt the future generation of America, or would they…?”

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Changes coming to Nevada monuments, Heller confirms

The only specifics Heller offered concern Gold Butte in northeastern Clark County, where the monument’s northern boundary is expected to be moved to “carve out” six springs that represent the future water supply for the communities of Mesquite and Bunkerville.

Heller did not say what changes Zinke recommended for Basin and Range National Monument in remote Lincoln and Nye counties.

The Virgin Valley Water District requested the change to Gold Butte during Zinke’s July 30 tour of the two monuments.

Water District General Manager Kevin Brown has said that moving the monument’s northern boundary 5 or 6 miles to the south would cut about 24 square miles from the roughly 460-square-mile monument.

Monument advocates have threatened to sue over any changes made to Gold Butte or Basin and Range.

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BUNDY RANCH: Prosecutors Once Again Found Holding Back Information As Defense Attorney’s Prepare For Upcoming Trials

PROSECUTORS in Las Vegas got back to work on Monday, and in the case of USA vs Cliven Bundy et al — it was dirty “business as usual.”

It was revealed late Monday afternoon that Steven Myhre and the Department of Justice are refusing to hand over audio recordings they are suspected of  having in their possession containing radio transmissions the defense believes are recordings between Special Agent In Charge Daniel P. Love, BLM sniper teams, other tactical personnel, and possibly informants who were on the ground surveilling Bundy Ranch as far back as March in 2014.

These recordings are vital to the defense in that the indictment against rancher Cliven Bundy and his co-defendants specifically states that Mr. Bundy and several others told lies and exaggerated the situation between Bundy and the BLM for the purpose of recruiting gunmen to come and help get the rancher’s cattle back.  Up and until the first trial which began last February, the BLM denied the use of snipers and other tactical personnel during “Operation Gold Butte” the BLM’s official name for the Bundy Ranch cattle impoundment.

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Dan Love Will Not Be Prosecuted

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for Utah declined to file criminal charges related to evidence mishandling against BLM Special Agent Daniel P. Love.

Though there were multiple scandalous allegations of breaking the law, including using his influence to get tickets to a sold-out Burning Man festival, telling an employee to delete some emails that contained bureau information requested by then-U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz, and telling a federal employee to take seized stones known as moqui marbles out of an evidence room so he could give them away as gifts.

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Yes, You Can Defend The First Amendment

Acting US Attorney Steven Myhre has been hit by the proverbial slap in the face and has begun to take everything surrounding the Bunkerville trials very personally.

You would think that this man could rise above the nastiness and keep his remarks professional, however, he proved himself to be a bit irrational when he made childish accusations towards the Bunkerville Retrial defendants last week.

The surprising verdicts announced last week, allowing the release of four men from custody in Nevada, have shined the light on Myhre’s lack of evidence against the entire group of political prisoners.

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Trump To Lift Military Gear Ban For Local Police

The Trump administration will unveil a new plan Monday to roll back limits on a controversial program that provides local law enforcement agencies with surplus military gear, marking the end of a policy implemented during the Obama administration.

President Barack Obama issued an executive order in 2015 prohibiting the transfer of a host of equipment, including armored vehicles, grenade launchers, high-caliber weapons and camouflage uniforms following controversy over the “militarization” of the police response to unrest in Ferguson, Missouri.

“We’ve seen how militarized gear can sometimes give people a feeling like there’s an occupying force as opposed to a force that’s part of the community that’s protecting them and serving them,” Obama said at the time. “It can alienate and intimidate local residents and send the wrong message.”

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Berkeley Police Chief Brags: I Intentionally Allowed Antifa To Attack Peaceful Protesters Yesterday

Police in Berkeley, California deliberately allowed Antifa alt-leftists to jump barricades and attack peaceful right-wing protesters gathered in Civic Center Park on Sunday, according to numerous reports.

The Fresno Bee reports that the majority of individuals that showed up to protest the informal “No To Marxism” rally being held in the park were peaceful.

However, according to the outlet, there were more than 100 Antifa alt-leftists who also showed up to the event intent on stirring up violence and attacking the right-wing demonstrators.

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Roger Stone : Why Trump Should Pardon Bundys & Their Supporters

Last week a Nevada jury dealt another blow this week to the government’s case against participants in an armed uprising against federal agents three years ago involving the family of rancher Cliven Bundy and his supporters.

The jury acquitted two men, Richard Lovelien and Steven Stewart, of all 10 charges against them, and two others, Eric Parker and O. Scott Drexler, on most counts. The jury deadlocked on the remaining charges against Parker and Drexler, and then Judge Gloria Navarro an appointee of President Obama hand- picked by Harry Reid, declared a mistrial.

Navarro’s conduct in the case and her efforts to cook the results of the next trial by denying the defendants any real defense. Navarro knows that no matter how outrageous her conduct the X circuit, the most politically activist liberal would be unable to overturn her rulings and all the Bundy defendants will have died in prison before the US Supreme Court could hear this case.

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FBI Informants Break The Law So The FBI Can Make The Law

A terrorist, a drug trafficker, an armed robber, and a federal agent walk into a bar. The bartender takes one look at this crew and runs out the back door. So should you. Used to be only one of these had the massive power of the federal law enforcement complex behind him. Now they all do. And that’s a problem.

Somewhere between the War on Drugs and the War on Terrorism, a smart federal employee realized there was an easier way. Old fashioned investigation is fine, and usually netted a criminal. But it’s hard. And time-consuming. So why not go straight to the source?

Law enforcement has quickly figured out the laziest easiest way to catch a criminal is to use another criminal. Birds of a feather…whatever. You know how it works. Use a criminal to catch another criminal. Then prosecute the second criminal. And the first criminal. Except the first criminal gets a sweet deal. So one criminal gets hammered and one criminal gets not hammered. And you are a whole lot safer. From the second criminal, at least.

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Famous Artist Who Painted Obama Stepping On The Constitution Just Released Trump’s Painting – Spot The Difference?

There is a famous artist from Provo, Utah who painted a very controversial piece of art of a depressed man sitting on a park bench.  He is surrounded by all of the 43 Presidents, and in the forefront, President Barack Obama with his back turned to him stepping on the United States Constitution.

Now with the new American President, Donald Trump, he made a new painting and what a contrast of difference from the other. In this painting, you see the American people, different races, background professions surrounding the once depressed man who is now planting a tree, which could symbolize the tree of hope, and next to him is a woman and President Trump. The title is perfect of Trump’s legacy “You are not forgotten,” because that’s what he promised to the American people that he will fight for the average American middle class, and he will not forget them. His Presidency of almost half a year has already shown his dedication to the people. Bringing jobs back to the people, getting rid of the dangerous Obama care. Taking the fight to terrorism instead of paying them. This painting sums it all.

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Thomas Mitchell : Dueling columnists could be entertaining, except …

match any donations they decided to make to certain groups that he apparently identified as civil rights organizations. In a letter to employees Murren noted recent violence in Charlottesville and Barcelona and stated, “In the midst of this uncertainty, I want to affirm a clear-eyed, concrete view of the company in which you have chosen to invest your career, because on the question of human rights, MGM Resorts takes and unequivocal position: The protection of human dignity, demonstrated in the form of tolerance and respect for all people, is the core of our identity. We strive to create workplaces and entertainment spaces that are welcoming, open and respectful to all kinds of people, regardless of disability, age, gender, race, ethnicity, religious preference, gender identity or sexual orientation.” (His bold face and italics.)

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Editorial : Monument removal is a symptom of the perverse Western desire to blame itself for everything. JONAH GOLDBERG

Indeed, the fight over Confederate statues is just a discrete and more understandable eruption of the larger trend. This stuff has been happening for decades. One of the first outbreaks involved the word “crusader.” The term hurt the feelings of people who didn’t know what they didn’t know. Left-wing historians (and the Islamists who love them) convinced themselves that the Crusades were a trial run of Western imperialism and colonialism. They were, in fact, largely defensive wars intended to beat back the aggression of Muslim colonizers. Even the organization Campus Crusade for Christ changed its name to “Cru” lest people get the wrong impression.

Sports teams — most famously the Washington, D.C., NFL Franchise That Dare Not Speak Its Name — have been under increasing pressure to drop any association with Native Americans. Columbus Day is outré. And statues of Christopher Columbus may be heading to the pyre, if recent developments in New York City are any indication.

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EDITORIAL: National monuments survive Trump administration review – Las Vegas Review Journal

Members of the environmental lobby should be ecstatic that the Interior Department’s review of 27 national monuments resulted in minimal changes. But in today’s world of all-or-nothing politics, they’re instead speed-dialing their attorneys and wringing their hands because a handful of these nature reserves may still be partially downsized.

Oh, the horror!

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke completed the review last week. He recommended that no designation be rescinded. But a spokesman said he has also proposed border modifications for a handful of monuments. The department has yet to name those areas, but they could include Nevada’s Gold Butte and Basin and Range.

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After acquittals, remaining Bunkerville defendants seek freedom

In the wake of a nearly complete acquittal of four defendants in the 2014 Bunkerville standoff retrial this week, a group of defendants still waiting to face a jury want a judge to release them from federal detention, where they have been held for more than a year.

Militia founder Ryan Payne stated in court papers through his attorneys Brenda Weksler and Ryan Norwood that “the arguments in favor of releasing these remaining defendants based on due process grounds have only become stronger.”

At the center of the second group of five defendants still awaiting trial is Cliven Bundy, the Gold Butte rancher prosecutors allege conspired to thwart the federal government’s roundup of roughly 1,000 cows from public land. Bundy’s lawyer, Bret Whipple, joined Payne’s motion Friday.

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Gary Hunt : Statement by Gary Hunt Regarding the Freedom of the Press; Show Cause Hearing of August 23, 2017

I intended to write an article about the Freedom of the Press hearing in Portland, Oregon.  However, since I had decided to testify, I had mentally prepared to answer cross-examination questions, should they be asked.  My problem in writing this is that the answers given and the answers not given are mingled together in my mind, I can’t quite sort them out and be sure of the accuracy of what I say.  As to discussing other matters that were brought up, as well as examination and cross-examination of the government’s two witnesses, FBI SA Jason Kruger and FBI SA Matthew Catalano, are also mingled in my mind, as well as much that was presented by both the prosecuting attorney and my able counsel, Michael Rose.

Therefore, I will, at this time, simply give an overview, from my perspective, of what occurred.

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Brandon Curtiss, Embattled Patriot-group leader pulled gun on woman serving court summons

BY JOHN SOWELL AUGUST 25, 2017 11:23 AM The founder of an Idaho patriots’ group will avoid jail if he serves a short stint on an inmate work crew for pulling a gun on a woman who served him with a court summons. Brandon Curtiss, 43, who was then president of the 3% of Idaho, was living in a rental home in Fruitland, in Payette County, when an employee of Tri-County Process Serving, of Boise, knocked on the front door. The papers provided Curtiss with legal notice that he had been sued in Ada County by a client of his […]

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12 Ways The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Scam To Profit From Hate-Mongering

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘Hate List’ has all the authority of a mean girl’s burn book. Yet it is dangerously provocative.

The flip side is that the SPLC’s abuse of the term “hate” will attract support from a certain segment of the population that wants to suppress the views of those who disagree with them. That is good for direct mail marketers who are interested in generous contributions from the fatuously self-righteous.

Sadly, history has revealed time and again that organized vilification campaigns endanger human dignity and freedom. The SPLC treads perilous ground, trading in explosively hostile language in return for what else but money and power?

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Federal investigators say an embattled Bureau of Land Management agent took valuable stones held as evidence and handed them out “like candy” to colleagues and contractors.

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Bureau of Land Management agent who has been scrutinized for past behavior took valuable stones held as evidence and handed them out “like candy” to colleagues and a contractor, federal investigators said in a report made public Thursday.

Daniel Love played a command role in an April 2014 standoff involving backers of Nevada rancher and states’ rights figure Cliven Bundy. It pitted weapon-toting Bundy supporters against heavily armed BLM agents who, in the end, gave up efforts to collect Bundy cattle for nonpayment of grazing fees.

Love was previously faulted for using his influence to get tickets to a sold-out Burning Man counterculture festival in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert that he was helping oversee security for and manipulating a job search for a friend.

U.S. Department of Interior investigators also found Love told an employee to delete some emails that contained bureau information requested by then-U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz. Though the report does not name Love, Chaffetz confirmed Thursday that his request had been directed to Love. Chaffetz did not specify the nature of the request.

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Prosecutor Shows Petulance Over Acquittal

Four defendants in the Bunkerville Retrial were found not guilty of 34 of 40 charges Tuesday in an embarrassing smack-down for the federal government in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Steven Stewart and Rick Lovelein were released after the jury found them not guilty on every charge the government had been holding them on for the past 18 months.

Eric Parker and Scott Drexler appeared before Judge Gloria Navarro on Wednesday morning for her ruling on their current “pre-trial” release

The Acting US Attorney showed his humiliation at the symbolic spanking the jury gave to his case by having his own “Mic-Drop” moments during the detention hearings.

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