Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 1271 Filed 01/10/17 Pages 1 – 10

Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 1271 Filed 01/10/17 Pages 1 – 10

Government Concerned About Juror Safety Near Tuquop Wash

Terrain and potential presence of media and Bundy supporters cited as concerns…

The Government filed a response to Eric Parker’s motion (ECF No. 1194) to allow the jury to view the Tuquop Wash. While the response doesn’t overtly oppose the motion, it does raise concerns about the safety of jurors. The Government cites rough terrain and the likely presence of media, as well as Bundy supporters, as cause for concern.

Construct A Road?

Road Construction | Government Concerned About Juror Safety Near Tuquop WashThe Government asserts that construction of a road might be the only viable solution to get jurors into the wash. The BLM and US Park Police were able to get vehicles into the wash behind the gate. Hundreds of protesters also managed to navigate the terrain on foot. One has to wonder what has changed in three years?

The Government also cites lack of adequate shoulder on I-15 for a vehicle to stop. Traffic is so heavy that exiting at the wash could be dangerous. The US Attorneys must anticipate the use newly licensed teenage drivers to transport jurors.

Those Mean, Mean Bundy Supporters…

The Government postulates a strong possibility that supporters will learn of the visit and show up to demonstrate. In doing so, the Government alleges strong possibility of the use of social media to identify jurors. According to the filing, Court staff are also at risk given the “history” of Bundy Supporters.

Queue The Government’s Garbage Narrative…

A response from the US Attorneys just isn’t complete without some garbage narrative. From the filing:

The Followers presented the officers with an array of force, consisting of: snipers on the NB-15 overpass, over 40 horses in the wash capable of breaching the gate, gunmen in the wash carrying rifles at the low ready position, using women and children as human shields to mask and protect their movements, and gunmen taking tactically superior positions on elevated ground overlooking the officers’ positions. […] The Indictment identifies Parker as one of the gunmen on that day. The government anticipates that the evidence will show that he was on the NB-15 overpass in a sniper position, aiming his rifle at the BLM officers as part of the assault force.

Bullshit Meter - In The Red | Government Concerned About Juror Safety Near Tuquop Wash

Government Concerned About Juror Safety Near Tuquop Wash

The Government (or at least their Agents) did not concern themselves with anyone’s safety at Bundy Ranch. Agents had no problem setting up an elaborate impoundment area near the wash. Government vehicles and personnel filled the wash area. Likewise, protesters gathered with relative ease.

Lawless Agents of the Federal Government were the aggressors that day. Without just cause or plausible reason they recklessly escalated an otherwise tense, but peaceful demonstration. Lawfully armed citizens could see snipers and militarized agents tactically deployed. These agents announced authorization to use lethal force on unarmed men, women, and minor children. Citizens reasonably took defensive postures due to the threat of imminent grave bodily injury or death.


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Constitutionalist, Patriot, Constitutional Activist, Concerned Member of the Community. Learning, Watching, Working, Promoting and Sharing.

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