Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 2994 Filed 12/12/17 Page 1 – 4

Case 2-16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 2994 Filed 12:12:17 Page 1 - 4

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the below named Defendant’s are free to assemble and to speak

with one another without restraint, enjoying the rights and freedoms protected to them by the Constitution

for the united States of America and the Amendments to it.

Ammon Bundy,

Joseph O’Shaughnessy,

Ryan Payne,

Ryan Bundy,

Peter Santili,

Dave Bundy,

Mel Bundy,

Eric Parker,

Micah McGuire,

Jason Woods,

Todd Engle,

0. Scott Drexler,

Gerald Delemus,

Brian Cavalier,

Cliven Bundy,

Gregory Burleson.

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