Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 1423 Filed 01/26/17 Page 1 – 35

Government’s Exhibit ListSocial Media: The Government’s FriendThe US Attorney’s filed the Government’s Exhibit List (ECF No. 1423). While it comes as no surprise that Social Media is present in the list, the volume of evidence that is from social media platforms is staggering. Specifically, well over one third of the evidence in trial will come from Facebook and YouTube.In addition to Facebook posts and chats, as well as YouTube videos, the Government intends to submit email conversations as well as material obtained from or related to relatives of co-defendants. Most notably, the jury will see as evidence statements made by Carol […]

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Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 1406 Filed 01/25/17 Page 1 – 9

Defendants Promptly Oppose Government MotionGovernment misconduct is of paramount relevance…Attorneys for Tier 3 defendants wasted little time responding to the Government’s motion to suppress evidence. Todd Leventhal, counsel for Scott Drexler, and also on behalf of Eric Parker and Steven Stewart, filed a blistering rebuke of the Government’s attempt to persuade the Court to suppress certain relevant evidence. The defendants promptly oppose government motion and assert that they will nevertheless abide by Federal Rules of Evidence.The Government abjectly fails to make a plausible case…Leventhal points out that the Government’s request is far too vague for serious consideration. At no point does […]

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