Revised – Final Report Summary of Findings of the Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act

  Gold Butte • The Gold Butte National Monument (GBNM) was established by Presidential Proclamation No. 9559 on December 28, 2016, and consists of 296,937 acres managed by BLM and the Bureau of Reclamation in Clark County, Nevada. • The resources identified in the Proclamation include the biologic, archaeologic, and areas of spiritual significance to American Indian tribes. • There have been multiple legislative attempts to designate this area under protective land designations, beginning in 2008 and concluding in 2015, which were unsuccessful. • Lands within GBNM are managed with some level of a protective designation, either under the existing […]

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Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 2880 Filed 11/19/17 Page 1 – 5

2:16-CR-0046-GMN-PAL Renewed Motion to Exclude Irrelevant Evidence If Bundy is permitted to introduce evidence of water rights, the government would need to introduce case law regarding res judicata and water rights. This will slow down the trial even further. To this end, Cliven Bundy has submitted a notice of expert on water rights. Dkt. 2826. His testimony should not be permitted, nor should the Court allow any other evidence of water rights, fencing laws, open range laws, and so on. Steven W. Myhre Acting United States Attorney

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Ryan Bundy’s Opening Statement, Las Vegas, 15 November 2017

Ryan Bundy’s Opening Statement, Las Vegas, 15 November 2017 Thanks the jurors for being here. Told you a little about myself at voir dire, but I’d like to introduce myself a little more, and tell you about my heritage and how that affects my case. (Projects a picture of his family – AND leaves it up throughout his statement!) This is my ID! Not my driver’s license. This is who I am, a man with a family and I’ll do whatever it takes to provide for them. I want you to picture in your minds…you’re out on the land…I’ll take […]

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Case 2:98-cv-00531-LRH-VCF Document 61 Filed 11/14/17 Page 1 – 17

livestock are entitled to graze such livestock for free. Specifically, the Taylor Grazing Act, 43 U.S.C. §315(d) provides that:   The Secretary of the Interior shall permit, under regulations to be prescribed by him, the free grazing within such districts of livestock kept for domestic purposes. C.F.R. §4130.5 provides further details: A free-use grazing permit shall be issued to any applicant whose residence is adjacent to public lands within grazing districts and who needs these public lands to support those domestic livestock owned by the applicant. Id. (emphasis added). Thus, even as the United States was suing and representing to […]

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Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 2856 Filed 11/14/17 Page 1 – 10

  IV. CONCLUSION The Court should remedy current prejudice and act to deter future Brady related misconduct, to enforce the constitutional and rule based standards of fairness, and to impose appropriate sanctions for the government’s cavalier approach to the discovery dispute up until now. Respectfully submitted this 14th day of November 2017. By: /s/ J. Morgan Philpot J. MORGAN PHILPOT, ESQ. Admitted Pro Hac Vice JM Philpot Law, PLLC [email protected] Attorney for Defendant Ammon E. Bundy

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Case 1:17-cv-02429 Document 1 Filed 11/09/17 Page 1 – 154

COMPLAINT FOR EMERGENCY WRIT OF MANDAMUS AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF —————————————————————————— IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CLIVEN BUNDY, Plaintiff, v. THE HONORABLE JEFF B. SESSIONS, in his official capacity as Attorney General of the United States of America on behalf of the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Washington, DC and Las Vegas, NV And THE HONORABLE ROBIN C. ASHTON, in her official capacity as Director of the Office of Professional Responsibility on behalf of the OFFICE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY of the United States Department of Justice Washington, DC And THE HONORABLE MICHAEL E. HOROWITZ, in […]

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Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 2842 Filed 11/08/17 Page 1 – 12

I. STATEMENT OF FACTS  On September 11, 2017, the government disclosed to Mr. Payne prior statements made by its prospective trial witnesses, consistent with its obligation under the Jencks Act, 18 U.S.C. § 3500. The statements included hundreds of phone calls that required substantial time for undersigned counsel to review. Among those phone calls, undersigned counsel discovered calls made from jail by co-defendant Blaine Cooper, who pled guilty and is cooperating with the government. Several of those recordings capture conversations between Mr. Cooper and the attorney representing him in the related federal criminal case in Oregon. The recordings, which were […]

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Case 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Document 2789 Filed 10/26/17 Page 1 – 3

Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 10/26/2017 at 6:15:28 PM PDT and filed on 10/26/2017 Case Name: USA v. Bundy et al Case Number: 2:16-cr-00046-GMN-PAL Filer: Document Number: 2789 Docket Text: ORDER, as to Ryan W. Payne (4), that [2783], [2784], and [2785] Sealed Ex Parte Motions for Subpoenas are GRANTED. The Clerk of the Court shall UNSEAL Payne’s Motions [2783], [2784], and [2785]. The Clerk of the Court shall issue the proposed subpoenas and deliver a copy of this Order and the subpoenas to the United States Marshal for service. Signed by Magistrate Judge Peggy […]

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