Posted by Melina
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Disclaimer: I am not going to end personal friendships over actions I do not approve of, nor will I diminish the good accomplished by individuals, and I don’t expect you to either, but I will address issues that have arisen.
In the recent weeks there has been vicious and brutal attacks within the media circle of the patriot community. Something I don’t understand about all of this, and maybe I just look at things a little too black and white, but doesn’t the truth and information belong to everybody? Didn’t we all start sharing the truth together?
I get there are copyright infringement issues out there, but this really isn’t one of them after I looked into it deeper.
I am not going to go into the he said she said aspect of this I do not want another Facebook debate, I am growing weary of that.
There are lies being told and now accounts are shut down, voices that are important to getting the corruption and truth out are silenced, that is not okay. How dare anyone stand in the way of that. I have always been a quiet voice, do not expect me to be quiet anymore.
I have never met John in person, I have talked with him over the phone and seen all the good he has done for all the P3. I like him as a person from what he has shown me. He has never done me any wrong. I called him about this issue. He stands firm that he did not give permission for this to be filmed or shared with others. That it was all his deal. He seamed very earnest in this declaration, a declaration that I now believe is composed of lies and retribution for what he thinks are wrongs against another friend. I am saying believe because I do not have the hard evidence in my own hands but it will come out soon enough. John has done many good works, and I praise him for every good thing that he has done on behalf of my friends, the Finicum family, and other patriotic prisoners, but that does not excuse the bad behavior that he is exhibiting now.
I have talked to others involved and I get a very different story and things done to appease John. All but taking the video down, because at this point in time consent or implied consent was given, again I was not there so I cannot say for fact.
I believe that John had to know that Wendy was filming and he should have, in hindsight gone to her and asked her to please not share the video without giving him credit and to please not profit off of said video as this seemed to be the agreement struck between Mr. Weaver and John. I do not believe this was done. Again, I was not there so I cannot attest to this. John seeing that this was being filmed, knowing it was media filming, knowing that it was news, knows that it is protected but the first amendment. He is not John Lamb Media, he has no copyright protections, that video taken by Wendy on behalf of Redoubt News belongs to Redoubt News and when GMN was approached to share the video she had every right to do so.
Do I think that reports needed to be made, NO, it has caused more damage than good. Over one video. Absurd. Personal Facebook Accounts lost, not Jail…LOST, precious pictures, stories, lives. GONE!
I feel that because there was a issue with Gavin Seim and Pete Santilli of GMN of similar nature, where GMN had a legitimate copyright claim, John saw a chance to get some sort of justice for his friend Gavin. Again, these are just gut feelings and putting some puzzles pieces together from some posts that Kelli Stewart and others have posted regarding the matter.
The facts get put out and people are STILL to blinded by their loyalty to a person to see what is in front of their face. I get it. You have met someone and you really like them or you have followed them for so long and you have really connected with them and just can’t see, or add up all that has been presented. There have been times I have had things brought to me that made me question those near and dear to me, and it was false. You don’t want to do that. Again I get it. But this has been repeated behavior, over and over by some.
When Kelli Stewart came onto the scene, she came out with a force, and immediately began to question myself, Moe, Deb and many others, not even knowing who we were. We had NO CLUE who she was, for all we knew a space ship came and beamed her down; we were VERY on guard at this point, with every right to be. We had just came from the refuge, our friend having just been killed in cold blood, loved ones arrested, we were being followed and watched…we were just harried and on edge. She questioned us like criminals, chastised and accused us of being informants. Yes, this was the wonderful and oh so great Kelli. She literally tortured Deb, harassed Moe and myself. She quickly apologized when she was abruptly put in her place by Moe and myself separately. Deb finally came unleashed and you know I actually KIND OF felt sorry for the poor thing…KIND OF. Then things were fine, then they were bad, on and off. Then she went sideways for the umpteenth time…well you all have seen it play out. I thought at one point that she had let it all get to her and she had a nervous break and needed help, when she did that weird live stream from behind a cactus. I was worried for her…then I realized it was part of her game, I think, honestly I don’t know what to think. I could write pages. I think that she is out for Kelli and the privilege of being friends with just certain people. I think that is unfortunate because I honestly she could do great things if she could just get her perspective and objectives in order. Kelli Stewart is an enigma that I can not figure out, I don’t know what her agenda is or what her end goal is. She has done some great works, unfortunately that does not excuse all the harm she has done to great people, all the great patriots and supporters that she has chased away from helping our patriotic prisoners and exposing the atrocities that the corrupt corporation disguised as our federal government has committed against us as We the People. What really bothers me about this is the prisoners that were inside this whole time have only seen one side of Kelli, the side that she wants them to see. Not the one that had many of us at times in tears, trying to put out fires started by lies and ready to throw our hands in the air and walk away. I think it is very hard to break through the facade she created for them, as she appears to them as an angel and to us as a demon. Kelli has unfriended me…I am heartbroken…moving on.
Gavin…I don’t even know what happened to Gavin, he seemed so level headed and inline with God and what was right, natural law, when I met him. Now he has just gone rogue, losing his ever loving mind in my opinion. I am not going to waste my time here going over it all. He fled to Mexico over a phone. Need I say more?
These three have done their good, I will not deny that, but they have done just as much if not more damage, as soon as people are willing to open their eyes and see that, the better.
People have come to me with so much on Pete and Deb, wow so much. Some who I trust deeply, but I cannot and will not turn my back on people that have been there for me. Who have stood by me hands down, who have gone to bat for me when I didn’t even ask them to. I cannot and will not turn my back on people that have been there for me, who have stood by me. Not when all their accusers can offer is “because I said so that’s why”. If you want me to believe you on something you better bring hard evidence and documentation, have not seen that as of yet. I was with Pete and Deb in Oregon, at the FBI compound, during some tense moments, I have shared tears and fears with Deb over the past two years, talked with my friend Pete over a video screen and in letters, I know what these two are made of…do you? Family is not always blood.
Have there been mistakes, yes. We all make them. I make them, you make them, Ammon makes them, Ryan B. makes them, SSG Moe makes them, EVERYONE makes them.
Others have come to me to create division between SSG Moe and myself, and they have almost succeeded on a couple of occasions, but guess what, we talk people. We work things out. Keep trying you will always fail. SSG Moe is my best friend. You will never break that. We may question each other at times but we always know there is a reason. She is above reproach in her ethics and in her desire for the truth. We have been through more than you can ever imagine and I know her integrity is above reproach. Challenge me on that one, you will lose.
In time of the past, I have been quiet, that was wrong. I thought that eventually the truth would win and it did, but still I should have spoken much sooner if spoke at all. I was too worried about hurting people’s feelings, the thing is I was hurting my friends. NO MORE, you attack these people, any of my friends or colleagues, you attack me, and though most look at me as a sweet little doormat, I will take you to task.
Time to stop the silence and stand for more than just your rights…stand for the truth.
The only thing that needs to be pursued is the truth, choosing to associate with someone based on popular opinion is not seeking the truth.
The truth is what has happened and what is happening now. It does not matter what we think it is or what we perceive it to be. Popular opinion is not truth, we must base our associations on the truth. If you must choose a side, choose the side of truth, for that is the only side that will ever prevail. Light always wins over darkness. I choose to walk in light, care to come join me?
God Bless,
Little Boots