Charlottesville32 Settlement and Public Statement – George Curbelo

Charlottesville32 Settlement and Public Statement

“Charlottesville 32 Lawsuit”

July 13, 2018 – George Curbelo

As the New York Light Foot Militia State Commander, I am speaking officially on behalf of myself, George Curbelo – State Commander of the New York Light Foot Militia, Christian Yingling – State Commander of the Pennsylvania Light Foot Militia, Gary Sigler – State Commander of the Maryland III% People’s Militia, and the 29 other members of the 32, under the Command of the Christian Yingling and myself on August 12th 2017, who were at the unite the right rally in Charlottesville Virginia. On May 16th of 2018 we entered into a Consent Decree with the City of Charlottesville, settling the lawsuit against the above mentioned defendants. We have kept the 29 unnamed members of the 32 anonymous despite requests from the plaintiffs, the public and they will remain nameless. The 32 that stood on Market street, now known as the Charlottesville32 (C32),  remain blameless. The C32 maintained a measurable amount of peace on the 12th, were well-disciplined in a very hostile environment until they were overwhelmed, assaulted, and could only administer medical assistance to the wounded among the general public and themselves. This settlement conclusively resolves, and is final with respects to, all claims arising out of the event on August 12th 2017 between the parties. Yingling, Sigler, and myself, all felt that this settlement answered our need to protect the Charlottesville32 from any further action.

This lawsuit failed to address the many failures on the part of the City of Charlottesville and the Charlottesville Police Department, and acted only to divert attention from where the blame clearly fell. It also grouped White supremacist, Nazis, Antifascists groups, and neutral Constitutional Militias into one suit. The only commonality among these wide and diametrically opposing groups is that they were all armed except for one. The thought of the general public taking matters into their own hands is always a concern for those that wish to maintain control and ultimately aim to rule. Misleading the local business plaintiffs, wasting tax payer dollars, and misinforming the general public, appear to be a part of the tactic to divert attention from those at fault. In the independent report assessing what went wrong on 8/12/17 by the law firm Hunton and Williams (11/24/17), the blame falls clearly on the CPD directed by the City of Charlottesville. The implications of this type of diversion is harmful to the truth, as well as the resolution to the obvious issues within the social political climate of Charlottesville. The Consent Decree we signed solely is a resolution for this suit and not the systemic problems with the city, local police, and the social political environment of Charlottesville. It is in essence a major failure in solving the real issues of this city.

The constitutional Militia element of the Charlottesville32 attended the rally on 8/12/17 in Charlottesville VA after research and gathering intel from various groups on the right and the left. Command came to the conclusion this event was problematic to our Constitutional Right of free speech. As a Constitutional Militia, maintaining a neutral political posture permitted us to attend solely in support of the 1st Amendment. This neutrality was and still is problematic for those swayed by politics and ideology that attended that day or observed from a distance. The manner in which the 32 operated on Market Street was recognized by many as being neutral. Some that attended the rally were confused by the 32.

The evangelical group on the street asking us to help them that day was telling, considering they were multi-ethnic and multi-denominational. The invitation to return to Charlottesville to meet community members that recognized what the 32 did and personally thank us was again telling. While providing security at the MOAR rally in Sept 2017, Antifa members walked us to Gary Sigler and apologized for attacking the 32 once they realize they acted inappropriately in relation to what the 32 actually did in Charlottesville. I will be preparing a series of articles and videos detailing the pre-operation planning, the events of the 12th, and the post operation details. As with the independent report provided by Hunton and Williams, detailing our complete operation will once again bring fault squarely on the Charlottesville PD and City Council. The Coalition of Constitutional Militias is not done.

For additional information Please contact

George Curbelo at

[email protected]

Christian Yingling at

[email protected]

Gary Sigler at

[email protected]

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Posted in 1st Amendment - Freedom of Speech, antifa, Court, Freedom, Hate, III%, Militia, News.

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