Happy Constitution Day

Today marks the anniversary of one of the most propitious days in the history of this country. On this day in 1787, the representatives at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia signed the Constitution. It was ratified by the states and went into effect on March 4, 1789. You remember the Constitution don’t you? That’s the document that says the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed …” Not waive, delay or ignore parts of laws the president doesn’t like, such as immigration laws, which the Constitution says: “The Congress shall have Power To … establish an uniform […]

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Debunking Expiration Dates – What You Need to Know

Debunking Expiration Dates – What You Need to Know When going through your food stockpile, you may observe that some foods are past their expiration date even though you have probably been extra careful when you organized your pantry and tried to rotate your goods as often as possible. So, do you know how to determine if something is still good for consumption even if it’s “expired”? Since time immemorial, packaging of food has been a critical guideline in preserving various kinds of foods throughout the entire distribution chain. Without this component, processing of food would be compromised due to direct contact […]

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Vaccination Decision: Trust the Lord and Science or Trust Biden and Fauci?

Vaccination Decision: Trust the Lord and Science or Trust Biden and Fauci?   James 5:14-15 NKJV 14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.   By John Jacob Schmidt, Radio Free Redoubt Sadly, there are many Christian patriots, influenced by the fear pushers and disinformation spin doctors, who are struggling with the decision of whether […]

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Army Regulations Allow for Antibodies Exemption

Army Regulations Allow for Antibodies Exemption   By John Jacob Schmidt, Radio Free Redoubt As we learn more about the harmful effects of the ‘vaccines’ being pushed on our society and our military, it seems increasingly clear to rational, clear-thinking, researched people that the coerced shots amount to nothing less than a national security threat.  As we see increasing evidence that the jabs are NOT “safe and effective” , it is imperative that we provide as many tools as possible to our fighting forces in the military — our sons and daughters, fathers, brothers, sisters, and friends. Army Regulation, AR […]

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Boundary County’s 9/11 Twenty Year Memorial Service Of Remembrance

Boundary County’s 9/11 Twenty Year Memorial Service Of Remembrance By Donna Capurso, Patriot Journalist In honor of those whose lives were lost or permanently impacted on September 11, 2001, the Boundary County Chaplain Corps was proud to sponsor a local commemoration. Saturday’s memorial service was well attended by Boundary County fire personnel, EMS, Sheriff’s Department, Bonners Ferry personnel as well as many Boundary County residents despite the rainy weather. The ceremony took place at the gazebo at the county fairgrounds with a large assortment of emergency equipment in the parking lot. The memorial began with the presentation of the Colors […]

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Happy Constitution Day

Today marks the anniversary of one of the most propitious days in the history of this country. On this day in 1787, the representatives at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia signed the Constitution. It was ratified by the states and went into effect on March 4, 1789. You remember the Constitution don’t you? That’s the document that says the president “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed …” Not waive, delay or ignore parts of laws the president doesn’t like, such as immigration laws, which the Constitution says: “The Congress shall have Power To … establish an uniform […]

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Trigger Warning With Special Guest Brandon Smith

Chris Brumble’s Trigger Warning With Special Guest Brandon Smith Chris reports from behind the wire in western Oregon, this week’s special guest Brandon Smith of Alt-Market The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you. Please support our […]

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County Sheriff Steps Up Where Commissioners Do Not

County Sheriff Steps Up Where Commissioners Do Not by Shari Dovale Sheriff Daryl Wheeler has never been afraid of controversy. He has stood up for the citizens of Bonner County on multiple occasions, including speaking out against government restrictions that go against the Constitution. Wheeler did so again on Tuesday. A resolution against vaccine and mask mandates was first drafted by Commissioner Steve Bradshaw. The people were overwhelmingly in favor of such a mandate, yet it has been tabled for the third week. A watered down version, presented by Commissioner Dan McDonald, was wildly rejected by the people attending. Sheriff […]

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National Security Bombshell

New Book Reveals National Security Bombshell By Mike Huckabee Is the biggest story in the nation Tuesday a bombshell revelation of treasonous behavior by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs? Or just one of the biggest examples yet of fake news? As the Magic 8-Ball tells us, “Unclear, ask again later.” Here’s the story: Book: Milley Took Top-Secret Action to Cut Trump Off from Nuclear Weapons According to an upcoming book by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa of the Washington Post, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley was so concerned that then-President Trump, who was daring to call out China […]

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Constitution Day 2021: It’s Time to Make America Free Again

Constitution Day 2021: It’s Time to Make America Free Again By John W. Whitehead The Constitution of the United States represents the classic solution to one of humankind’s greatest political problems: that is, how does a small group of states combine into a strong union without the states losing their individual powers and surrendering their control over local affairs?  Although the Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, a “bill of rights” was demanded and became an eventuality in order to protect the citizenry’s fundamental rights or “first liberties” against usurpation by the newly created federal government. Unfortunately, although the Bill […]

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Voters Demand Honest Elections 

Voters Demand Honest Elections By Terry Noonkester Voters  across the country are emailing, writing and phoning the public officials that had anything to do with the security of the 2020 election or the drafting and passage of election laws.  The voters are explaining their concerns and demanding (1) full forensic audits, (2) canvassing and cleansing of the voter rolls, (3) elimination of mail-in voting with a return to in-person voting, (4) elimination of voting machines, (5) observers rights (aka poll watchers). Organizations such as the America First Audit, America’s Audit Force and canvass50.com are supporting the forensic audits and canvassing.  […]

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UTT’s Open Letter to America’s Governors

UTT’s Open Letter to America’s Governors by John D. Guandolo Since 9/11, no governor in any state in America has dismantled the jihadi network in their state in order to remove the support network for Islamic attacks in the U.S. while simultaneously defending their citizens. Below are the contents of an open letter to America’s governors which UTT will be sending to each governor.  We encourage all of you to print copies and mail them to your governor and email the contents to them as well. We will make a PDF file of this letter available in the next day […]

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Todd Engel Sues Govt Agencies and Individual Agents

Todd Engel Sues Govt Agencies and Individual Agents by Shari Dovale Todd Engel has filed the multi-million dollar lawsuit that we have all been expecting. Naming multiple departments and individuals, including AUSA Steven Myhre, AUSA Nadia Ahmed, AUSA Daniel Bogden, BLM Officer Rand Stover, DOJ Special Agent Daniel P. Love, and many more, Engel is demanding a jury trial and $100 million. Engel was wrongfully convicted during the media circus of the Bundy prosecution, also referred to as The Bunkerville Protest Trials, and spent over four and a half years in prison. He was released after the Ninth circuit court […]

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High Death Rate Among Vaccinated Brings Vaccine Dystopia Into View

High Death Rate Among Vaccinated Brings Vaccine Dystopia Into View   by Joel S. Hirschhorn A new report with detailed data from Public Health England provides some startling numbers. For the period of February 1 through August 2 there were COVID Delta variant cases for 47,000 people who had received 2 vaccine doses, and for 151,054 people who were unvaccinated. In the first group of vaccinated people, there were a total of 402 deaths.  In the second much larger group with more than three times unvaccinated people, there were just 253 deaths. In other words, of the total COVID deaths 61 percent were […]

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Wisdom, Logic and Sitting in the Dark

Wisdom, Logic and Sitting in the Dark In Proverbs it describes wisdom as: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (NIV) Today in this nation, that statement from the bible is being proven true by the actions of the liberal godless left and the Democrat party. Their agenda, domestic & national is completely devoid of common sense and logic, and is bringing on chaos throughout the nation. There are dozens of examples of this lack of wisdom, logic, and common sense by the liberal godless left and the Democrat party that […]

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Lessons We Didn’t Learn from What We Were Forbidden to Say

Lessons We Didn’t Learn from What We Were Forbidden to Say Twenty years after the jihadist terrorist attacks that redefined our country and triggered a global techno-security system with endless mission creep, we hand our security to the Taliban and China?  By J. Michael Waller America has not learned the lessons of 9/11. The lessons were lost as they were being learned.  Foreign pressure on political leaders in Washington, intellectual laziness or dishonesty in the intelligence community, and political correctness-turned-wokeness made it so. American society repeated those unlearned lessons as the global pandemic spread from China. The unlearned lesson goes […]

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Candidate Bradshaw’s Response To Idaho Crisis Standard of Care

Idaho Governor Candidate Steve Bradshaw’s Response To Idaho Crisis Standard of Care   Earlier this week, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare activated what is called, “crisis standard of care,” in effect rationing health care under the guise of “coronavirus cases skyrocketing in recent weeks.” How the “cases” are determined is very important for all Idahoans to be aware of. By now I’m sure everyone has heard of the PCR test (Polymerase chain reaction). What I’m not so sure about is if everyone is aware that the FDA has issued a class I recall on this device which is the […]

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Book review: ‘Saints, Sinners and Sovereign Citizens’

The battle for dominion over vast swaths of public land in Nevada and the West was thrust into the headlines and public awareness by the armed standoff at the Bundy family’s Bunkerville ranch a couple of years ago when federal agents rounded up the ranch’s cattle for auction to cover unpaid grazing fees. Longtime Nevada journalist John L. Smith uses that event to anchor his comprehensive insight into the century-and-a-half long wrangle over public land use in his recent book, “Saints, Sinners, and Sovereign Citizens: The Endless War over the West’s Public Lands.” More than 80 percent of Nevada land […]

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Our day that will live in infamy

Where were you on September 11, 2001 — 20 years ago? I wrote on the Sunday following that day of infamy: “I sat down at my computer at about 6 a.m., unfolded the newspaper and switched on the television. There was smoke pouring from the top of one of the unmistakable landmarks of New York City, the World Trade Center. Well, I thought, there’s a story and photo for tomorrow’s front page, and started into the morning’s routine. “Minutes later a fireball blossomed from the other tower, and it began to dawn on the commentators and me that this was […]

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Our day that will live in infamy

Where were you on September 11, 2001 — 20 years ago? I wrote on the Sunday following that day of infamy: “I sat down at my computer at about 6 a.m., unfolded the newspaper and switched on the television. There was smoke pouring from the top of one of the unmistakable landmarks of New York City, the World Trade Center. Well, I thought, there’s a story and photo for tomorrow’s front page, and started into the morning’s routine. “Minutes later a fireball blossomed from the other tower, and it began to dawn on the commentators and me that this was […]

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Trigger Warning With Special Guest Mellissa Carone

Chris Brumbles’ Trigger Warning With Special Guest Mellissa Carone She is running for office in Michigan Reporting from behind the wire in Oregon, the state California wants to be like…. The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank […]

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The Great Ivermectin Hoax

The Great Ivermectin Hoax By Mike Huckabee The leaves must already be falling because last week, the establishment media and their coterie of biased “factcheckers” stepped on a whole yard full of rakes. I already told you about the so-called ““factchecker”” (I think in this case, he deserves double quotation marks) who set out to “debunk” the claim that President Biden checked his watch during the body transfer ceremony for the troops killed by his incompetence in Kabul (fact-check that all you like.) He was taken to the woodshed after it turned out he got the story wrong, and in […]

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Boise’s McLean Joins Chicago, Portland Mayors To Endorse Critical Race Theory In Schools 

Boise’s McLean Joins Chicago, Portland Mayors To Endorse Critical Race Theory In Schools   by Anna Miller Boise Mayor Lauren McLean signed a resolution in support of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public K-12 education.  McLean has chosen to align herself with mayors from cities that were ravaged and shattered by violent riots during 2020. The resolution is co-sponsored by Ted Wheeler (Portland, OR), Greg Fischer (Louisville, KY), and Lori E. Lightfoot (Chicago, IL).  The resolution, adopted at the United State Conference of Mayors 89th Annual Meeting, states that McLean and the co-sponsors support implementing CRT’s racial discrimination in public […]

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What Is Happening Is Intentional

What Is Happening Is Intentional by John D. Guandolo When democrats joined agents of foreign powers to illegally conduct electronic surveillance on the President of the United States (Donald Trump), his staff, and family, with the assistance of key republicans, they were acting intentionally. When the House of Representatives impeached President Trump with no evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors” it was an intentional attempt to remove a leader speaking truth about their nefarious intentions. When key elected officials, major business owners, and other nationally influential leaders all mandated the wearing of masks in response to a SARS/Covid outbreak despite […]

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