The State of Conservatism in Idaho

Republican Idaho The State of Conservatism in Idaho By Bob Shillingstad “Democrats inspire their base to get what they want, while Republicans conspire against their base to get what they want.  Nevertheless, the culture continues to cascade toward the leftist tipping point.  Government continues to dangerously grow. Critical thinking on college campuses is increasingly imperiled.  The courts are clearly out of control. The Constitution has effectively become a dead letter.  Dude, we don’t even know what bathroom to use.”  ~Truth Bombs: Confronting the Lies Conservatives Believe, Steve Deace. Steve Deace’s book is a must read for conservatives to understand where […]

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Sage Dixon is Not the Guy We Thought We Elected

Sage Dixon is Not the Guy We Thought We Elected The older I get the less I listen to what people say and the more I look at what they do. ~Andrew Carnegie OpEd by Shari Dovale Sage Dixon spent a couple of hours recently trying to convince his constituents in Idaho’s District 1 that he was still the conservative good guy that they thought they elected in 2014. Dixon barely gained enough votes against George Eskridge in that first campaign, but riding the coattails of enormously popular Liberty Legislator Heather Scott tipped the scales for him. However, since that […]

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Not Socialism, But Chaos

Not Socialism, But Chaos by Pete Ketcham There has been tremendous concern over the prospect of the US being turned into a Socialist nation. That concern is based on the socialist policies that emerge from Democrat controlled states, congress, and federal bureaucracies. Even though that concern is justified, it is not what is actually happening. In reality we are not moving toward an alternative form of a socialist government, but nationwide chaos. Many believe California is the socialist forerunner of change. It has been frequently quoted “what you see happening in California, you will see throughout the nation”, and that […]

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The Mideast Cofferdams

The Mideast Cofferdams by Pete Ketcham Introduction Cofferdams are used to create a work space (for construction of bridge footings etc) in flowing rivers, lakes, and bays. It is a temporary structure designed to hold out the water for a limited construction period and to be removed after the footing and adjoining structure is complete. A cofferdam in a deep swift flowing river needs to be constantly pumped out, diverts only a portion of the river as it flows around it, and if not maintained, will eventually be swept away by the river as if it was never there. The […]

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Vaccine Religious Exemption Resources

Vaccine Religious Exemption Resources By John Jacob Schmidt, Radio Free Redoubt Religious exemption sample letter for you to copy/paste, at the bottom of this article (Civilian or Military) As we move closer to Wuhan Virus (aka. Covid 19) vaccine mandates, and as we learn more about the adverse reactions to the shots (with increasing risk from subsequent doses), it is more important now than ever to arm yourselves with the will and the resources to successfully refuse them. Right now the civilian and military sectors are moving very quickly to compel their ‘work forces’ to take the Wuhan Virus ‘vaccine’. […]

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Time To Resign Joe

Time To Resign Joe By Mike Huckabee Our “Good Catholic” President Joe Biden announced that he was launching a “whole of government” effort to fight the new Texas law banning abortions of babies after they have a heartbeat. So he’s literally enlisting all the powers of the federal government to go to war on babies with heartbeats. I’m so glad we have compassionate adults back in charge. Joe Biden Launches ‘Whole-of-Government Effort’ to Fight Texas Pro-Life Law As previously noted, when they lost this round in the SCOTUS, Democrats quickly dropped their gaslighting nonsense about “birthing people” and men having […]

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2021 Security Series (Part 1): Setting up TAILS Portable Secure Operating System

Setting up TAILS Portable Secure Operating System By John Jacob Schmidt, Radio Free Redoubt Accounts we are hearing coming out of Afghanistan at this time reveal that Taliban fighters are checking Afghani’s mobile devices.  Anyone found with a digital version of a Bible are reportedly being executed.  Additionally, western citizens like Americans, British, and others are using computers and the internet to attempt to coordinate evacuations and rescues for themselves and our Afghan allies are in great peril.  Getting caught can mean immediate death for all parties involved. Missionaries, journalists, activists, or anyone working in restrictive areas around the world, […]

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Employee Vax Resources and KeepassX, TOR, and OnionShare

Episode 21-28 Employee Vax Resources and KeepassX, TOR, and OnionShare   One of the most significant demographic shifts in the United States today is the movement of people with fundamental American and Judeo-Christian value systems moving into the inland Pacific Northwest. Particularly, this retreat to higher ground encompasses Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Eastern Oregon, and Eastern Washington. It’s hardly visible, as a strong current under the surface. But it’s there. That, my friends, is the American Redoubt. A stronghold. A safe haven. A refuge. -JJS Listen to more episodes at: Radio Free Redoubt The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the […]

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FDA Fast-Tracks RSV mRNA ‘Vaccine’

FDA Fast-Tracks RSV mRNA ‘Vaccine’ by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance * Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — a respiratory virus that causes typically mild cold-like symptoms — is emerging out of season around the world * Most children have been exposed to RSV by their second birthday and recover without incident. In rare cases, RSV can progress to pneumonia or bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways of the lungs) * August 3, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to Moderna for an mRNA-based injection against RSV * As with coronavirus, previous efforts to develop an RSV […]

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The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and Taliban Are All Fighting Together

The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and Taliban Are All Fighting Together by John D. Guandolo  On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 attacks by the Islamic jihadis of Al Qaeda against the United States, we find prominent Muslim Brotherhood leaders in America attempting to draw a distinction between themselves and the Taliban, claiming they are not alike. We will take a moment to repudiate any attempt by U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leaders to draw such a distinction as an artificial and fraudulent claim. It is UTT’s intention to never allow the MB to get away with lying to […]

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World’s First Global Human Registry

World’s First Global Human Registry by Karen Schumacher One has to love the World Economic Forum (WEF).  Like criminals on the street the WEF has managed like a magnet to bring together all those humans who have issues with weak egos that drive them towards controlling others, a need to dominate, and no inner moral compass that helps them recognize the difference between right and wrong.  It fits the classical definition of a gang, or even better rather than a traditional Italian mafia it is multicultural, each having its own Don with corporate structures rather than family. With Event 201 […]

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Exclusive Interview: Steve Bradshaw, Candidate for Idaho Governor

Pastor and County Commissioner Steve Bradshaw is running for Governor in Idaho     Pastor of the Cocolalla Cowboy Church and one of three County Commissioners in Bonner county Idaho, Steve Bradshaw has a full schedule on any given day, yet he has announced his campaign for Governor of Idaho just a few weeks ago.  He has hit the ground running and is gathering followers throughout the state. Running against a full primary, Bradshaw shares his Christian Conservative beliefs while sitting down with Redoubt News to discuss the hot topics in Idaho. Get to know him here. From his Website:  […]

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Biden Disrespects Gold Star Families and Fallen Soldiers

Biden Disrespects Gold Star Families and Fallen Soldiers by Shari Dovale The debate rages: Did Biden check his watch during the dignified transfer of fallen soldiers from Afghanistan? On Sunday, Aug. 29, 2021, 13 fallen US service members were brought home from Afghanistan after being killed by a suicide bomber in Kabul. They arrived at arrived at Dover Air Force Base and their caskets were transferred during a solemn ceremony attended by Biden and his wife. As each of the caskets were taken from the plane to waiting mortuary vans, the military members saluted as the civilians held their hands […]

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Criminal Negligence & Treason Not Limited to Federal Officials

Criminal Negligence & Treason Not Limited to Federal Officials by John D. Guandolo As America’s last military transport left Afghanistan today, leaving many U.S. citizens behind, the criminally negligent and traitorous behavior of military and civilian leaders is on display for all the world to see. UTT recently wrote about the criminal negligence of U.S. military leaders during the last 20 years of war in multiple countries after the United States was attacked by Islamic jihadis on 9/11/01. See the article HERE. Despite the fact the Taliban has 2 of its branches designated as Foreign Terrorist Organizations, is the jihadi […]

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Ammon Bundy’s Campaign Town Hall In Bonners Ferry, ID

Ammon Bundy’s Campaign Town Hall In Bonners Ferry, ID     Exclusive: Interview With Ammon Bundy   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead promoting Main Stream Media sources. This is called ‘Shadow-banning’. Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your friends and family. Thank you. Please support our coverage of your rights. Donate here The post Ammon […]

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Exclusive: Interview With Ammon Bundy

Exclusive Interview With Ammon Bundy Gubernatorial Candidate in Idaho Ammon Bundy, candidate for Idaho Governor, sat down with Redoubt News this weekend, to introduce himself, and his vision for Idaho. Currently touring Idaho in a distinctive RV, Bundy spoke to us in Bonners Ferry, Boundary County on August 28, 2021. Bundy is known for his family’s battle with the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada in 2014, and for the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge protest outside of Burns, Oregon, in 2016. Never afraid to speak his mind, Bundy writes on his campaign website: I’m running for Governor because I’m sick […]

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As the Political Divide Grows, It Makes Sense to Redraw State Boundaries

As the Political Divide Grows, It Makes Sense to Redraw State Boundaries By José Niño In the coming decade of heightened political tension, cartographers may have to make serious adjustments to the borders of several American states. The American left’s desire to micromanage activities ranging from people defending themselves to relying on cheap, nonrenewable energy sources has provoked a significant backlash. And it’s not just manifesting itself in the form of an average political protest or a regular election to vote the proverbial bums out. Several states are already witnessing their rural counties attempting to separate from the rest of […]

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The Dangers of Going Back to School After a Year of COVID-19 Lockdowns

The Dangers of Going Back to School After a Year of COVID-19 Lockdowns “Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.”—Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes By John W. Whitehead Once upon a time in America, parents breathed a sigh of relief when their kids went back to school after a summer’s hiatus, content in the knowledge that for a good portion of the day their kids would be gainfully occupied, out of harm’s way and out […]

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Biden State Dept. Refuses Americans at Kabul Airport

Biden State Dept. Refuses Americans at Kabul Airport By Mike Huckabee Of all the disturbing and heartbreaking stories coming out of Afghanistan this weekend, this might be the most infuriating of all. Two highly trusted sources, investigative reporter Lara Logan and Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL who lost an eye in an IED explosion in Afghanistan, are independently reporting that over the past few days, Americans have been turned away from entering the Kabul airport. Logan tweeted this on Saturday: “Most Americans don’t understand what’s happening in Kabul – been on this all night with no end. […]

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Criminal Negligence

At least 73 people – including 13 U.S. servicemen – were killed in Afghanistan by jihadis Thursday.  U.S. CENTCOM Commander is using Taliban jihadis to provide security for U.S. forces while giving the Taliban intel so they can “help” with the threats from ISIS.  Hence, the title of today’s article is…. Criminal Negligence by John D. Guandolo Like the generals who came before him, CENTCOM Commander General Kenneth Frank McKenzie Jr. (USMC) is responsible for the deaths of men America entrusted to his care because he made an affirmative decision not to know and understand his enemy. His decision not to […]

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Watch: Idaho Candidate For Governor Janice McGeachin – Part 1

Idaho Candidate For Governor Janice McGeachin – Part 1     In an exclusive interview with Redoubt News, Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin is running for the top spot of Governor to replace the ineffective leadership that Idaho is living under. She discusses Critical Race Theory, Ballot Initiatives, Vaccine Mandates and more. Part 2 Here.   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and […]

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Watch: Idaho Candidate For Governor Janice McGeachin – Part 2

Idaho Candidate For Governor Janice McGeachin – Part 2      In an exclusive interview with Redoubt News, Idaho Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin is running for the top spot of Governor to replace the ineffective leadership that Idaho is living under. She discusses Critical Race Theory, Ballot Initiatives, Vaccine Mandates and more.   The views, opinions, or positions expressed by the authors and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions of Redoubt News. Social Media, including Facebook, has greatly diminished distribution of our content to our readers’ newsfeeds and is instead […]

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Part 2: More Bad News About the Canyon County Republican Chair

Part 2 of Abuse of Power In Idaho Republican Politics: More Bad News About the Canyon County Republican Chair By Staff Reporter On August 25, True Idaho News published a story showing clear evidence of collusion between Patti Syme, Chair of the Canyon County Republican Central Committee and Tracey Wasden, President of the Canyon County Republican Women. Photographs of a text conversation provided proof that the two are working together to purge both organizations of conservatives. True Idaho News was also contacted by additional members of the Canyon County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) with further evidence showing unwarranted intimidation by […]

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Court Orders Release of Personal Information to the Press

Court Orders Release of Personal Information to the Press by Shari Dovale In April, Idaho Lt. Gov Janice McGeachin set up a task force to “examine indoctrination in Idaho education and to protect our young people from the scourge of critical race theory, socialism, communism and Marxism.” Members of the Idaho Press Club decided they wanted personal information on the citizens that responded to the Lt. Governor, and submitted several records requests, demanding McGeachin release this unredacted personal information. McGeachin was not opposed to releasing the comments, but was adamant that she would redact the personal information of the people […]

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